Chapter 21

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Beep. . .

Beep. . .

Beep. . .

I opened my eyes to the sound of steady beeping hating the loud sound blaring in my ears. I tried to move my hands but they felt heavy with led. When I was finally able to move my hands I slammed it into the beeping machine and the next thing I heard was more beeping.

Beep. . .Beep. . .

Beep. . .Beep. .

Beeeep. . . . .Beeeep. . . .

I smiled when the line went dead and closed my eyes.

"Everyone she's awake" I heard a familiar voice yell from across the room, it was then that I noticed a large warm hand holding mine with soft snores coming from it's owner. Four pairs of eyes came into view. Three pairs of blue eyes and one pair of brown. They belonged to Tyler, Gage and Parker. The last pair belonged to the doctor. "Can you move, Luna Krystal?" Dr. Raymond asked I nodded, sitting up slowly. My back hurt and my stomach ached for something to eat other than fluids.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Gage asked.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I tried again and again but still, nothing came out. Just like when I was chained, all I could do was scream "what wrong with her doc?" Tyler snarled.

"Can you move out of the way" the doctor snapped, not caring that Tyler was an Alpha. "Krystal, can you move a little closer and open your mouth for me" I did as told, setting closer to the doctor. With a hesitant holt, I leaned in closer. The pain that followed after was excruciating but I bit my tonhueto hold it in.

Dr. Raymond flashed a flash light in my mouth. Moving it around to get a better view, he stepped back. "It seemed that her throat is very dehydrated. The back of her throat is scratched up from her screams, it will take a while to heal and a lot of water to restore her voice." Tyler nodded going to touch my shoulder, I flinched away. "What's wrong?" I shook my head, no, when he tried to grab me again. Tyler sighed, annoyed. Grabbing a pen and a notepad, he handed it to me. "Tell us" I wrote down what I wanted to say and showed them.

I don't want to be touched.


My reply was instant, your going to hurt me like they did.

They looked shocked at my statement. A Luna afraid of her pack members is serious, it means that she was hurt beyond the point of healing. Especially when she won't let her mate touch her.

"Tell us what happened" I shook my head no again. I can't say anything but I did tell them something they needed to know I just couldn't write the name.

There's someone working for them in this pack, a female.

Tyler, Parker and Gage's eyes glazed over. They mind linked the pack fighter bring a small group in. I slowly shuffled away from them, my hands clenching the hospital beds covers. My heart rate increased.

Tyler told them to grab any unmated female, he told them to meet them in a field around a mile away from the pack house. Tyler walked over to me, my grip on the sheets tightened. Moving even further away from him, I shook my head but he didn't take no for an answer. He walked closer and closer until he could wrap an arm around my waist and pull me flush against his chest. I struggled, pushing and pulling to get away from him, he buried his head in my shoulder.

The discomfort and panic I felt was overwhelming, so I did the only thing I could do. I screamed.

Tyler pulled away like his skin was on fire. His eyes went as wide the rest of the groups as they looked at me scream. My wolf surfaced, the scream turning into loud growls.

A loud yawn left my lips stopping my growls. I yawned again, stretching my arms "ow" I turned to Parker who was rubbing his nose. Opening my mouth I tried to speak but nothing came out, my wolf growled in frustration she wantwd pay back. She wanted Jules to feel the amount of pain we felt because of her foolish acts. She wanted Jules to bleed.

"Are you tired" I nodded, Tyler stood up from the seat he sat in and pushed Parker and Gage to the door. "Get some sleep, the doctor will take some tests but we'll be outside discussing business with the pack" with one last nod from me, Tyler walked out.

* * *

The next morning Tyler showed up before I woke up. "Are you hungry?" He asked walking over to my bed, I nodded a 'yes' Tyler called down to the kitchen and they brought up bacon, eggs and toast. "You need to try something new other than apples, the doctors said calories will help you heal faster"

I was disappointed that I didn't get my apples. I love my apples but I know I can't live a life eating them so I tried the food. The eggs had cheese and onions on it and the toast had butter and jelly, I liked them but when I tried the bacon I spit it out into the trash can next to me, it was too salty.

"You don't like bacon what kind of werewolf are you" Parker yelled with a smile. He and Gage walked into the room just as I was finishing my food, Parker and Gage split the bacon I hadn't eaten. As if Tyler knew what I was thinking, he pulled out apple slices. "I knew you would want some" I gave a weak smile to thank him.

| Week later |

A week later the doctor said I was fine to go back to the pack house. Grabbing the clothes next to me I went to get dressed "do you need any help?" Tyler asked when I shook my head he left. I put on sweat pants and a white t-shirt which belonged to Tyler and I looked around, the balcony door had bolts on it and so did the windows I walked over and opened them up it was hot in the room.

"You should close those I don't want anyone to see inside" I heard Tyler's voice, grabbing the pen and notepad I started to right.

It's too hot in here.

"I'll turn on the air"

I want the door open

"I don't" it's like everything I say he had an answer for himself. I walked to the bed feeling disappointed. I lifted the covers and crawled feeling the left side of the bed dip as Tyler wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away. Jumping out of bed and glared at him and as if sensing what I wanted he got up and went to the couch.

I got back in bed and with one last glance at Tyler I cuddled myself into a little ball and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

For those of you who don't know, Krystal can't talk because she's in a state of shock.

It disables her voice because she's afraid that if she says something reality will come crashing down or something bad will happen.

Edited: 10/18/17

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