Chapter 12

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Life without love is no life at all ~ Leonardo DaVinci

Any mistakes, point them out. Please don't be rude.

When we were finally done with shopping I had everything I needed. Skinny jeans, jackets, shirts, dresses, shoes, skirts and some purses. Alpha Tyler made an appointment for me to get my own credit card and bank account which we'll be going to in a couple of hours. I also got some jewelry from an old antique store next to the mall. Although I didn't like using Alpha Tyler's money, it's best to get what I need now so I can start saving up. I've always wanted to own my own diner and maybe that will happen with a little bit of partnership and investment.

Just as I laid down on the bed, a knock sounded on the door before it opened. "You have a meeting to go to Luna Krystal please dress nicely, Alpha Tyler is waiting for you downstairs" I heard Parker say from behind the door. Turning my head to the side I nodded and waved him in.

"I'm not the Luna yet, why should I go?" I questioned curiously, he shrugged. "Can you help me find something" nodding Parker walked over go the closet, "no dresses" I said, chuckling he grabbed a pair black skinny jeans and white laced long sleeve shirt.

After they were laid out on my bed, I pulled my shirt off. "Hey don't change in front of me!!!" Parker whisper yelled, I chuckled.

"I know your secret I used to have a friend like you" Parker furrowed his eyes brows in confusion before giving me an 'Oh' look. Smiling I pulled on a red bra and matching underwear. After getting dressed I ran a hand over my clothes and put on a pair of boots. I looked nice.

Brushing my hair to the side, I let the waves tumble past my breast before heading downstairs. Tyler's put his hand in the pockets of his black denim jeans before he headed down with me. The grey shirt he wore tugged on his chest perfectly. He looked good.

My wolf purred her affection, "You ready?" Tyler smirked, blushing at my embarrassement I nodded silently before following him out of the house. We drove for quite some time before he pulled up at another pack house indicating we were no longer in my pack's territory.





There are three more Alpha's attending this meeting with their mates but most of the women are much older than me and there for give me dirty looks. One of them was named Avery, she looked around my age maybe a year or two older. There was something unique about her, the way she holds herself is different from anyone I've every seen and her wolf. . .her wolf is cursed, I guess you could say.

Ive read about her once or twice, the girl with the cursed wolf living in a small town isolated by the woods. She kills at night when she's at her most weakest and soon enough her mother sent her to the castle for wolf obedience training. That was the last thing we've heard from her till now, its said she keeps to herself and her mate, Co-King Alpha Jaxon, wants her isolated.

Sighing I shook away those thoughts and looked out the window. Being here with women older than me is frustrating, they look at me as if I'm some trash they needed to put in it's place. I may be younger, heck, I may be an omega but that doesn't mean I haven't been through sh*t and that I'm different from anyone else. In my opinion if we can all breath the same way, die the same way and think the same way then we should be equal, we are no different from each other if we bleed.

Humming to a song my mother use to sing to me I smiled looking at the moon. One day, I will be wanted. One day, I will be loved unconditionally without bonds. One day I will love someone without a stupid bond making me love them. By the time I finished the women are looking at me, listening to me sing. I paid no attention to them and kept looking outside.

Accepting the sheet of paper given to me by a quiet Avery, I drew what laid beneath me. A crowd of teenagers danced by trucks and cars with the headlights on giving them enough light to see. Many of the females wore sun dresses and jean shorts while the men wore jeans and flannel. They looked like they were having fun, eating pizza and drinking beer. I wonder what that taste like.

With those thoughts a single tear ran down by right cheek. There were more tears that threatened to spill out but I held them in by biting my lip.

About an hour or two later the meeting was finally over and many of us headed outside. "It was nice meeting you Luna Krystal" Alpha Archie of the Broco Dawn pack held out his hand for me to shake, offering me a smile.

"It was nice meeting you to but I don't touch alphas no offence, it's personal" I explained to him and he nodded with a sad smile. "Alpha Tyler I hope everything goes well for you in the future" Tyler nodded "I wish the same for you" they shook hands and Tyler said goodbye to all the other Alpha's and Luna's while I stood in the back and only nodded when the Luna's bid me goodbye. Tyler turned down the music in the car "you have a beautiful voice" he complimented with smile keeping his eyes on the empty road ahead.

I said nothing and looked out the window. My mother and I used to sing while dad made food with my brothers but that was before everything happened "Did you hear me?" Tyler asked and when I didn't reply he sighed. "I'm sorry for leaving you in a boring meeting we'll stop to get some food, okay?" Smiling I nodded and kissed his cheek, in realization of what I'd just done a crimson colored blush colored my cheeks.

"So that mean I'm forgiven?" I saw the smile on his face and nodded.

"Yes, you're forgiven."

*         *          *         *

Author's Note:

I haven't noticed that a used a name from my other books in this book until I came back to reread some parts of this chapter.

Go check that book out if you want, I'm in the middle of rewriting it but checkmarks will appear next to the chapter number when I am done rewriting the chapter.

Made another story called Wanting Avery.

Question: What is the fucking deal with dots???

I've seen them in other stories and people are always fighting over them, calling them names and giving them a backstory. I'm not against it because it's pretty funny to see y'all comment about a dot.

Name it and even make a story about it! ;-)

Rewritten: 8/6/17

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