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The Slytherin common room was heaving. The snow outside had encouraged everyone in doors.

Yn circled the common room until she saw the only empty seat she could find. She clasped her book to her chest and weaved towards the armchair.

It was only when she got closer that she saw that the seat was positioned directly across from the Draco Malfoy, who was sat sulking alone in his seat, glaring deep into the fire.

Yn hesitated as she got closer and was ready to turn around, but it was too late. Draco had at that moment glanced up. She couldn't walk away now and look weak. She curled up on the seat opening up her book. No matter how many times she had read it. She would re-read it over and over, but she never could understand why her mother loved the book. She was confused when over the edge of the pages, she noticed Draco's eyes constantly flickering over to her.

After numerous looks she sighed and lowered her book. "What?"

"Stay away from Potter." Draco rubbed forehead as if he was in pain.

Yn scoffed, shaking her head and sinking further back into the chair.

"I'm not joking Yn. You need to stay away from him danger follows him like a curse."

Yn snapped her book shut. "No offence Draco but I don't really think that you have any ground to say that."

"Fine don't listen. But I know things Yn. More than even you think you know."

Yn swung her legs down to the ground and leaned forward.

"Enlighten me then." Yn waited tapping her feet. When she heard nothing, she scoffed again. "Yeah I didn't think so. Because they are playing you too, Draco. Can't you see that. But you don't have to. Tell Dumbledore what you do know. No one will ever know it came from you. Volde..." she stopped herself, suddenly aware of her surroundings. "He has always been afraid of Dumbledore. Dumbledore will stop him before they can harm your mother."

Draco was sceptical. "I don't trust that Dumbledore will help me. He just uses everyone. Like he's using Potter."

Yn didn't refute that. That was why she had stayed clear. "Well, who do you trust then. Because it doesn't exactly look like you trust anyone."

"That's not true."

"Who then?"

"You," he replied with a second of hesitation.

"That's not helping Draco. Don't help them. There will be no going back if you do."

She rose from her seat
Draco followed simultaneously, reaching out to stop her but stopping with his hand hanging mid-air. "Sorry," he muttered.

"It's fine," she sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"No. Not just about that. I'm sorry about that night."

Yn pressed her lips together and took a shuddery breath.

"I just... when your around I just... I can't help it." He stuttered.

Yn glanced around the common room and was woefully aware that they had caught the attention of a few students. Close her eyes for a second, she tried her best to push away the warm fuzzy feeling that was spreading to her heart. She manged to do it for long enough to disappear up the stairs without a word or a glance back, leaving Draco dejected. 

Draco Malfoy and the Girl Who HidWhere stories live. Discover now