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It was him. Yn knew it was him. Beyond a doubt. Yn believed Harry. Even if no one else did.

And it scared her because she knew Draco could get under her skin and she knew he was up to something, but she had to stay away otherwise she could end up like her mother. Dead and only peoples disgusting rumours and theories to stain her reputation.

Yn had kept a strict distance form Draco where feasible. Which was astonishingly difficult considering they had so many lessons together.

But Yn made a conscious effort to avoid unnecessary eye contact and only spoke to him when it was required. And when she did speak it was with purpose. She didn't want to ice him out. But she did want to come off stand-offish.

She had heard about Katie Bell at dinner, because Yn had left Hogsmeade as soon as she found out the Draco was in the vicinity making up an excuse to the Luna that she had homework to do. But when she found out her eyes immediately flickered to Draco's. Who himself immediately looked down.

Yn had sat down in the Three Broomsticks with Luna and Neville and was warming up next to the fire when she heard the bell ring and Draco stumble in to presumably shelter from the snow. That was when Yn decided to leave and just as luck would have it Draco was along the only path that had a clear exit to the door.

She decided to just leave as quickly as she could. But fate was against her. As Draco stepped back from the bar at the exact moment that Yn was beelining for the exit and she came to a startling halt when she crashed into his shoulder.

"Watch it," Draco barked, before he realised that it was Yn. He wiped the butter beer that had splashed on his coat.

He looked at the offender with a glare, transitioning to embarrassment when he spotted her.

"Sorry," Yn mumbled, wiping the splashes off her own coat too. "Excuse me," She squeezed past and braced the powdery snow that sprinkled outside.

Draco had feared that Yn would know. Somehow, she could always see through him. His fears only escalated when he saw Harry catch up with Yn as she left the Great Hall.

"Yn," Harry had called after her.

"Harry," she replied, slowing her footfall so he could catch up.

"Your Father works at the Ministry right?"

"Hello Harry, yes, I'm fine thanks for asking. How are you?" Yn teased.

Harry was horrified.

"I'm just teasing Harry. Yes, he works for the Ministry. Why?"

Harry looked over his shoulder warily. Then he pulled Yn into quite corner.

"Harry what are you doing?" Yn looked around in alarm. She didn't need anymore rumours spreading.

"If push came to shove Yn I need to know if you are with us." Harry fumbled around his pockets.

"Harry are you feeling sick." Yn reached out to feel his forehead.

"Yn," Harry emphasised.

"You know the answer, Harry. My mother died. That's all the answer you need. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I know you believe me..."

"And..." Yn knew that he was holding something back.

"And... I know that Dumbledore was beyond elated that you returned to Hogwarts this year." Harry looked at Yn pointedly. "I don't know what you know or have. But if Dumbledore values it, so I value it."

Yn sighed. Of course Dumbledore knew. That went without saying. That man seemed to know everything. "What do you need Harry?"

"Can your father find out about the Malfoy's?"

Yn narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, he could. What do you want to know."


Yn shifted her weight. "Let's be real here, Harry. You don't want to know about the Malfoys. You want to know about a Malfoy. Draco. My father is not going to be tell to you much about him. He is still a minor. He is protected until he is 17. So, you didn't pull me aside today to ask me to ask my further to dig up dirt on the Malfoy's. You pulled me aside because you wanted to ask me what I know."

Harry didn't deny it.

"I won't be a spy, Harry. Besides Draco and I aren't exactly friends."

"But you run in the same circles."

"I don't think you give him enough credit. He won't be reckless and just tell anyone if he knows something. He's arrogant but he's not stupid."

"Yn, you know things are changing and something is up with him."

Yn sighed folding her arms and looking out the window. "Okay, I'll see. But no promises." So much for keeping her distance.

Harry engulfed Yn in a hug. "You saying that you will try is enough for me."

"Having these meaningful conversations mean a lot to me Harry. They really help me sleep at night," she sarcastically mumbled back. "I'm leaving now." She throws a wave over her shoulder joins the stream of student again, unaware of Draco watching from afar. He couldn't hear but simply the audacity of Harry and Yn talking was enough to bother him. 

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