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Alison and I started seeing each other, secretly. I come to her apartment sometimes. She can't come to my place because Athena is still mad about it. She's still disappointed about the choice i made. "Can you just please talk to me" I told her. We're off to school but she's still avoiding talking to me. When i am trying to talk to her, she's either putting her earphones on or pretending she's calling someone.

She puts her hands in front of my face to stop me. I sighed and we walk to the subway. No one is talking until we got to school. Her earphones on. So it's not gonna work even if i try and try talking to her. Gina and Lucas waves at us and walks towards us. "Heyy you guys" Gina said. "Woah. I'm not liking the vibe here. What happened to you two?" Lucas said. Athena gave me a cold stare. "We're late" she said and pulled Gina. I shrugged at Lucas. "She's not talking to me" I told him. "What'd you do? She'll come around. Whatever it is. You're best friends" He said. I didn't respond because i can't really tell him.

At Alison's class, Athena didn't sit beside me. She asked Lucas to swap places. Gosh. Okay fine. I looked at Alison when i sense that she's looking at me. I shook my head. She knows that Athena isn't talking to me. I looked back, Athena saw Alison and Me looking at each other i think that's why she is looking at me and rolled her eyes. Oh she's really upset. I've never seen her like that.


"See you tonight?" I mouthed at Alison while i'm walking out of her class. She smiled and nodded then looks down. I can't stop smiling, really. My smile only fades when i saw Daniel in the cafeteria. Here we go. He saw me coming in. And grins.

"Don't mind him. He's just really an asshole." I looked back and saw Matthew walking with me and Lucas. "Matthew's right. You're not the only one, there's a lot of Gabriel before. He picks up on them with no reason" Lucas said. "And he picks up on guys who ever look at Liv. He thinks he owns her." Matthew said. "Oh yeah. I remember when he got what's the guys name? Harold? He tried to talk to her. Olivia ignored him but Daniel still doesn't like it." Lucas said. "Then Harold just left school. Daniel bullied him until he left." Matthew

I nodded. "So he's obsessed."

"Pretty much. He doesn't harm her, which is good. Just the guys who hangs around her." Matthew. "Except for me because he knows i have zero interest on Liv" He added and chuckles.

"He loved her since highschool. Olivia just doesn't like him that way anymore. She just thinks of him as a friend." Lucas.

"How do you know all of that?" I asked and look at Lucas.

He chuckles. "I'm a keen observer. Especially i'm in school with them since highschool."

"That's creepy" Matthew said. "Anyway, i have to sit with them. See you later gator" He said. Then i laughed and agreed with Matthew that it is kinda creepy that he knows "Well i'm sorry if i'm nosy and i see everything" Lucas said then sat down on the table with Gina and Athena. He sat down beside Gina, his usual place. And i'm about to sat down beside Athena but she puts her bag on it. "Oh come on" I said. Lucas and Gina laughs. I sat beside Lucas on the other chair.

"Tell us what happened to you two?" Gina

"Yeah. I'm curious too" Lucas

I looked at Athena. Please don't tell.

"Don't worry about it. We're just like this" She said.

Lucas looks at me. "Really? I can sense that something weird is happening" He said.

"No nothing. He's just annoying me for the past dew days and i had enough of him." She said.

"If i didn't know better, i would think you two have lovers quarrel" Gina laughs.

I chuckled awkwardly.


"Did you hear?" Peyton sat beside us. "Hear what?" Madison asked. "Candice Scott's getting worst. She has cancer, and her family is devastated, they already spent every dime on her." Peyton said "So?" Iris said. "So if the treatment stops, she's probably gonna die" Peyton.

Candice is one of the student here, she's intelligent, talented, until she got sick. Came from a rich family too. Only child. No wonder they don't want her to die. If they are spending every single money they have, that means they really love her, and they are not yet ready to let her go. She was still going to school last year, until she can't do it anymore. She helped me when i ran for president, she put her 101% effort to make me look good, i won not only because of my last name, but also because of her.

"What can we do?" I asked. "What do you mean? We're not a doctor" Iris said. Iris doesnt like Candice, she always felt like Candice is trying to steal me away from her, even though it wasn't true. She's just being friendly. "Iris." Madison said her name. Then she sighed. "Okay. If i don't help i'm the bad guy". I shook my head and chuckled.

"What's up ladies? What are we talking about?" Matthew walks up to us and puts her arms on Peyton's shoulder. Then i saw her face like she got an idea. "I have an idea" She said. I knew it. "We're listening" Madison said looking at her.

"A fundraiser auction" She said smiling. I looked at her confused. "A what?" Then she looks at Matthew smiling. Matty's smile faded. "Oh no no" He said removing his arms on her.

"What is happening? What are you thinking?" Iris looking at her confused too.

"She wants to sell me" Matthew said. Me, Iris and Madison laughs. "What are you guys talking about? And why are you going to sell me?" He asked. Iris rolled her eyes. "We're going to help Candice." She said. Then Matthew chuckled. "Wait you?" looking at Iris. She pinched his arms. "Yes". "Ouch. Fine." He said

"Not just you. All the boys, the football team and some other hot boys who go here" Peyton said. It wasn't actually a bad idea.

"We need to talk to the Dean first" I said.


"A bachelor Auction for a fundraiser?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes. Sir. We wanted to help Candice, we're just asking for your permission. The Scott family helps a lot in this school right? Now it's our turn to return the favour." He looks at me for a few seconds and stood up. "Okay. You have my permission." He lend his hands and i accepted it. "Thank you Sir" I smiled.

"You really are a Carrington" He said shaking his head while chuckling then i left. I know what he meant by that. Dad also does a lot of fundraising events, then donating it to charities. Maybe that's why he's successful, he's blessed, because he is not selfish. And that is why i love him. He raised us with a good heart. We didn't feel like we're incomplete because he completes us, even with a lot of works, he still makes time to call us to asked us about our days and stuff.

I told them that the Dean allowed us. Matthew talks to his guy friends who wants to be bid. Of course all of them wants to. Guys.

A guy puts his arms on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes. "You're gonna bid for me right babe?" He said. I removed his arms. "Let's see" I smiled at him and then walks out. Peyton, Iris, Madison followed me. Oh this is gonna be fun.

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