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"If you pull out a stunt like that again you're out!" Cam yelled at Gabriel "I was just doing my job. Keep her close to me. I need to gain her trust." He said.

Cam walks out. Gabriel sat down beside Athena. "You okay?" She asked. Gabriel nods. "You know i was thinking, what if, Olivia doesn't know anything?"

"She's really growing on you huh" She said then he sighs. "I just think that she doesn't know anything. Yes she dated Daniel, but you think he would tell her every horrible things he would've done? Her friends horrible things that they've done?"

"I don't know Gab. They are rich people who will protect each other whatever it takes." Athena.

Gabriel nodded. "You're right." and sighed. She taps his shoulder. "The sooner we get the answer we are looking for and find the culprit, the sooner we will be out of here."

He closes his eyes and hears the door closes.


"So how was your date?" Madison asked. Olivia smiles. "It's that great? Wow. What did Mr Delgado did to impress the one and only Olivia Carrington?" Iris asked.

"Hold on" Olivia looks behind her. "Kyro, i think i'm safe here, with my friends, at my house?" she rolled her eyes. Kyro left the pool area. Madison and Iris laughs. "We ditched Cam and Kyro, then we kinda make out" She said.

Madison and Iris eyes widened. "Omygoooood"

"Omygod to what? That we ditch those two or we made out?" Olivia

"BOTH" They said in unison. "He has that courage? What did your Dad said?" Iris. Olivia shrugs. "He didn't know. That's why i'm a bit surprised, they didn't tell him. Which is weird"

"But good. Weird but good. Right?" Madison. Olivia nodded and smiles. "Ohhh girl you are in love" Iris said. "What? I am not." She said

"Uh-huh you are." Madison grins. "Oh shut up. I'm not. It was just new, the experience. No one ever done that or tried it before not even Daniel. He was scared as hell at my Dad."


"I don't know how long i still can hold this"

"It is killing me. My conscience is killing me"

"What if it comes back to us huh? I can't go to jail."

"You're not going to jail. We most likely end up to juvie. For covering it up"

"No one is going to jail or juvie. Keep it to yourselves and try to forget about it. So we can all live our lives."

"Yeah? I am lying to my friends for a year. I am hiding things behind their back. God. I don't know how long i can keep my self quiet."

"I didn't ask any of you to help me. You chose this, you chose to help me. Deal with the choice you made or we are all going down."


Alison went to Gabriel and Athena's apartment. Someone saw her and followed her, she knocked and Gabriel opens the door. She hugs him and went inside. Daniel grins and shakes his head.

"What do you have?" Athena asked

"Kyro and I worked all night with all the élite students of CC, and narrowed it down to 10 potential suspects." She handed the files to them. Athena and Gabriel looks at each other and opens each file.

"Lucas, Gina? Are you serious?" Athena chuckles. "I've been with them, i am watching them closely, and i don't see any thing suspicious about them."

"We've been doing this for 7 years and you two are newbies who just graduated. People might still surprise you in the end." Alison

"Brittany, Daniel, Madison, Iris, Peyton, Matthew, Olivia. Of course all of them are here" Gabriel snickers softly.

"And Victor. Who is Victor again?" Athena asked Gabriel. "Oh Victor, Daniel's bestfriend who acts like a dog, always following Daniel." He said then Athena nodded.

"The Boss wanted you two to focus on all of them. Harold Todd was a Senior Special Agent, he deserves justice and whatever is going on down Cornwall we still need to find out what. It might be big that he was killed." Alison said.

"Okay. We're on it." Athena said and walks out. "Can i talk to you?" Alison faces Gabriel. "Yeah whats up?"

"Are we okay?" She asked. He nodded. "Yeah. Why?" She shook her head. "You seemed distant. You never come to my place anymore."

"Ah. Sorry. Just been busy, with all these stuff. And uh, I've been meaning to talk to you actually. About this, us. We're not serious right? We are just casual, booty call when we needed someone or stressed out."

Alison nodded. "Sure yeah."

"I think we should just stop. You are my boss, basically my boss, and this might bite us in the ass soon. We can't do it anymore." He said. She smiles. "Okay. If that's what you want. And what you think is right. See you Agent Delgado" Then she turns around and walks out. When she closes the door. She smiles but her tears fell down. She took a deep breath and smiles again until she got home.

At school

"Hey baby" Daniel puts his arms on Olivia's shoulder. She groans and removes it. "Guess what i found out" he sat down on the chair.

"What do you want Daniel?" Peyton rolled her eyes

"You're not giving up are you?" Iris shakes her head.

"Just hear me out. One of our teacher is having an affair with a student" He said and grins. "Ask me who?"

"We don't have time for this Daniel" Madison groans

"Okay okay i'll tell you. It's Miss Harper, having an affair with... drumroll please" He said

Olivia rolled her eyes.

Gabriel walks in with Athena, Lucas and Gina. Daniel saw him and points at him. "Our new kid Gabriel Delgado"

Madison and Iris scoffs. "That's a bit petty don't you think?" Peyton said. "That's too much Daniel." Olivia said

"No girls i'm serious. I saw her walks into his apartment" He said. The girls chuckles. "Right right. Okay Daniel" Peyton said

"Do even have proof?" Iris. "Proof of what?" Matthew walks in. "Daniel is accusing Miss Harper and Gabriel that they are having an affair" Peyton said

Matthew laughs. "That's hilarious dude." He taps his shoulder and puts it away. "Fine don't believe me but i know what i saw and i'm going to prove it to you" then he walks away.

Olivia glances at Gabriel's direction. He looks at her too and slightly smiles. Olivia looks away and talks to her friends.

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