Kiss Goodbye

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Chapter 18

~*~*~*~*~* Akira's POV~*~*~*~*~*

I heard Jared's laughter from the steel door, I looked up and my heart skipped a beat, it was Dante. He looked directly at me, the helpless me. He didn't even resist as they chained his arms up as well, he just stared at me, his beautiful amber orange showed forgiveness and love. We stared at each other for a while until Jared came between us.

"So what brings the prince of Imperia here?" He bowed in a joking matter.

"Let Akira go. I know what you want. I have what you-"

"He doesn't have the immortality in his blood I broke the curse and it was transferred to me." I lied. "He is just a mare mortal." Well that part was true. "What you need is in me."

Jared smiled and touched my bloody face, "Why didn't you say that before? I wouldn't have dragged this worthless şobolan." I bit back words that would blow my cover on the lie. "Starting tomorrow night the full moon will be out and I want them well enough for the ritual." He said. "Let them go but chain their ankles I can let my precious girl getting away. As for the prince I have better use for him."

When he left and the guards did what they had to do and exited as well. I fell to the floor, my legs were so weak, and I looked at purple bruised wrist as they started to bleed. I could feel Dante's eyes on me.

"Akira?" He said walking up to me; however his chains keep him three inches from me. "Why did you break the curse? Why did you lie? Are you stupid?"

"Yes I am stupid, I didn't know I would break the damn curse okay, it wasn't my intention at the time." I snapped. "I lied because, I don't want you to killed, you have a duty to take care of after your parents, and me on the other hand...everyone I trust betrayed me. I killed my parents for nothing. The man I called a brother is part of the very thing I tried to protect you from. And yet you fall into his hands right now." I wiped hot tears from my face. "I am broken, weak and have failed. I should have died in my palace when you killed me, but no I lived, I freaked lived!" I punched the hard cement floor.

Silence fell in the room as Dante sat on the floor, his hand touched my bleeding ones, but I pulled back. When he tried again I hissed at him. He looked at me with a loving expression. I just ignored him and took laid on the cold floor, my back facing him.

"I love you too." He said, the same moment I closed my eyes.

I don't know if hours or minutes passed but I heard Jared yelling. I could make out what he was saying but he was pissed. What ever it was it made me smile, however the smile disappeared as she came into the room

"I thought I said you come alone!" He shouted, pointing his gun at Dante. "Why is the Alpha B team here?" His gun moved to me. I stood my ground, as glanced over at Dante who stood at attention.

Did he bring Trevor and Joey here? Or did they follow? Knowing my teammates they did both.

"You taught all Shadow agents and assassins that they never leave a man behind." I said smiling, I right now bet on my life that Joey has hacked into the buildings security system and Trevor might be in somewhere in this room now because I can hear the adrenaline through his body and the sound of his favorite black blade dagger being pulled from its holster. "Is that Jared?" I could see he was getting pissed as the lights in the room blew. Right on Joey.

"GET THOSE DAMN LIGHTS BACK ON!" Jared yelled in the darkness but it was only him in the room with us.

"Akira, its Trevor, don't move. I will remove the chains. "I felt his breath on my neck as she whispered in my ear, low enough for Jared to hear. He tapped my foot. Thank the Lord I was a "creature of the night", I can see in the dark. I tried not to laugh at Jared face, he was frantically looking around.

"Scared?" I said snickering. "As the Shadow Head Assassin I thought you liked the night, the darkness."

"I do." He said pointing the gun at Dante, "That's why I will do this." He pulled the trigger and before my eyes, Dante fell to the floor. Six bullets in his body. I was in shock and then seconds later rage filled me and in the dark I dashed straight to Jared.

He tried to shoot me but I broke his hand as I got it from him and then everything else was a blur....

~*~*~*~*~* Joey's POV~*~*~*~*~*

I finally got the lights back on, when I heard Trevor shout Akira's name. I ran down the stairs to find my team leader's lips on the Head Assassin's neck. Akira looked up at me and I have never seen her eyes so red and glow.. wait they are glowing! What the fuck?!? I was going to approach her until Trevor pulled me away.

"Unless you want to be next, dont go near her." He said looking at her in fasination.

I looked passed her and saw Dante's body laying in his own blood but then Akira blocked it when she cracked Jared Western's neck and went straight to Dante. At the side of her face I could see deep scratches in her cheek, jaw and throat. Torture, just like the Break Room. She picked up Dante's wrist and checked the pulse, then set it back down. After that she touched his face and closed his still eyes. He was dead.

She got up, looked at me then Trevor and left the room limping. Seconds later, we both heard a loud crash and Akira screaming.

I sighed and told Trevor to stay here so I can see what Akira has done. When I got upstairs, all I saw was bodies of former Shadow agents and blood covering the hard wooden floor. Akira was standing over a body with a severed head.

"Akira," She turned around so fast, but then collapsed in the pool of blood on the floor, sobbing. I walked up to her and kneeled before her, putting my jacket over her shaking shoulders. And then i brought her to my body, rocking her in my arms.

"Why did he have to die?" She said trying to breath. "Thats why I took his place in the beginning so he can live!" She cried harder. "I shouldnt have broken the curse...."

"He knew if he came, he would come out either alive or dead. He knew something was wrong with him after he started to feel weak. He loved you more than his own life." I said squeezing her closer. "Come on, lets get out of here." I said pulling her to her feet and we walked out of the building as the paramedics I called came to get her, from me.

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