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Chapter 17

~*~*~*~*~* Akira's POV~*~*~*~*~*

Am I alive? Am I dead? Its dark, where am I? I looked around to see nothing but pitch black darkness. I didn’t even remember what happened or how I got here. Where is Dante? Wait am I floating and I am….naked! What the hell?!?!

“Akira,” I heard my name echo in the darkness and I instantly recognized the voice it was the Egyptian God, Osiris. I looked around in the darkness and saw a pair of yellow eyes staring at me. “You have finally broken the curse, a mere Voldarak that has no clue about the curse breaks it, by drinking his blood, then killing herself.” He laughed to himself.

“I didn’t kill myself; I don’t know what happened, how I got here.” I answered back.

“You have been saved by his blood, but he is not going to like what will happen to him since you have broken the curse.”  His voice sounded like a hissing snake.

“What will happen?” I asked worried and curiously. “Will he be okay?”

Osiris laughed to himself, “He will turn into a pure Voldarak and he will not be able to withstand the lust for blood. He will still be immortal but weak. And you are slowly coming back to life and he has left to Imperia. Negative things are about to happen, as his protector go to him.”

With that I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach as light shined in my eyes. When my vision began to clear I saw my uncle.

“Uncle,” I said in a hoarse voice. “Where is Dante?”

“My child he went back to Imperia, you attacked him.” He said holding a towel against my stomach.

“I attacked him? When was this?” I said fighting against the pain and sat up. That’s when I remembered what the Egyptian God said. “I need to go back to Imperia and warn him.”

“I don’t think so Akira.” That’s when I heard Jared Western’s voice. I looked over my shoulder to see my commanding officer with a gun in his hand pointed at me.  “You are permanently off this mission and I also need you as bait.”

“Bait...” Before I could even move, I was stabbed by a needle and I was back into the darkness.

~*~*~*~*~* Dante's POV~*~*~*~*~*

I stayed in my room trying to focus when Joey and Trevor came bursting into the room.

"Akira they have her." Trevor said showing me a hologram of Akira kneeling on the ground, her hands held above her, chained. She looked up and blood and scars covered the right side of her face. Wait she is alive? Last time I saw her she was lifeless before me.

"I am not saving her." I said, in a cold voice. Why should I save someone who tried to kill me? "What has she ever done for me?" I turned my back away from Trevor and Joey.

"What has she done for you!" someone said pushing me. "She has been saving your spoiled ass that’s what she has done. She took bullets for you, almost blowing her fucking cover and even said she loved you even though her pass was a nightmare. This is how you repay her? She has been taken because of you. If I was in your position I would go to her."

At that instant everything made sense, "You're in love with her aren’t you?" I asked. His face turned pale, i looked past him at Trevor, who looked lost. "You have been in love with her. But you try not to show it." He gave me a glare and turned on his heels to walk to the door.

"Think about it Van Dorr, I love her and I protect her in anyway possible. You on the other hand, you are going to let her die. That’s your love to her."

~*~*~*~*~* Akira's POV~*~*~*~*~*

Russia: Red Waters Cellar; 11 pm:

I tried to stay on my feet as my tired body pulled all of its weight down. I can’t believe the agency i called home, betrayed me, and used me. Most of all the man i looked up to completely made my blood turn cold. Then there is my uncle who just died before me as they melted his body with phosphoric acid, it reminded me of Ian, but whatever torture Jared was doing to me, i had to play that i wasn’t weak.

"Oh, Akira." Speak of the damn devil. "How are you holding up?" He came up from behind me, his hand pasted over my chest. I swear to Almighty in Heaven that if my legs weren't so weak, i would have kicked him in the family jewels.

"I feel great." I smiled. "Never felt better to get chained up to a damn wall. Wanting to kick your ass."

He smiled and backed away from me. "It won’t be long before, Joey and Trevor get here with the prince. Then when i take the prince, your team will be dead. Then i can start the immortality ritual."

"Immortality ritual?" I said feeling my own warm blood escaping from my wrist as the chains bit into them.

"Dont worry your invited, you will be the audience as i slit his Majesty’s neck open."

The thought of that scared me so bad. I dont know what happened but I ended up crying, that made Jared laugh.

"You have always been weak, Akira." He pointed to me. "Ever since Ian. Mostly your family, your mom and dad. I had to get rid of them so you would become stronger. That night when you saw them look all blood thirsty and rogue, I caused that. I made them like that. I knew you were the heiress of Russia; you resembled your mother, Akilina Nika Eltsina so much.”

I stand quiet as an agent from Shadow came into the room, his parka covered in the Russia’s soft snow. “Sir, the Prince’s private jet was spotted; we are waiting further orders for his capture.” He said, standing at attention.

Jared looked at me and gave me a smug smile, then turned back to the agent. “Processed to the landing strip and take him, but kill any agents or guards that are with him.” The agent nodded and left and so did Jared, his laughter echoing in the dim cellar.

Once again I will loose another love. 

~*~*~*~*~* Dante's POV~*~*~*~*~*

Joey and Trevor decided to pilot the jet to the private landing dock five miles from where Akira was being held. The decision I made right now will either have me at Death’s doorstep or in Akira’s arms. I love her more then anything, my anger and fear got the best of me and I chose to abandon her. I closed my eyes as the jet landed and minutes later I hear gunshots and the shouting of men as they entered the jet and took me away. I really hope Joey and Trevor can get her out alive.

When i got outside in ankle deep snow, I was to remain silent, as the handcuffed me and pushed me into a black car. I stayed quiet in the car as I watched them search the jet, but all they could find was a suitcase and knocked out imperial pilots. Good they got out. After a few moments the men climbed in the other black cars and we began to drive, I closed my eyes and only thought of Akira and only her.

I don’t know how much time past but the car stop and I was hauled out to a back door of a building. Was Akira here? Was she okay? That’s when I saw other Shadow agents; their uniforms looked like the ones Akira and her team wore when they first came to Imperia. This doesn’t make sense.

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