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Chapter 4

~*~*~*~*~*Dante's POV~*~*~*~*~*

I opened the wallet seeing an ID. Not just any ID but a Shadow Assassins one. Why are Shadow Assassins...?

"You might be wondering why we are your bodyguards, but I can't answer that. I don't even know why. They just assigned us the mission." She paced back and forth. 

"So what you are telling me is that, you don't have a clue in God's name, why you are here?" I stood up and stared at her. "For all I know you might be here to kill off the rest of that royal family. I know Shadow does that when they are-"

Within seconds I was against the wall, a knife to my neck. "If I was here to kill you, I would have done it in seconds this morning, not one drop of blood anywhere. When I stated to you, that I don't know why I was assigned here. I. Meant. It. Who ever is after you, knows that you have some secret that you apparently can't remember." Akira said releasing me, shit she was strong. I had to gasp for air. 

She gave the most deadly glare. Until one of her man came, I think his name was Joey. They talked really quietly , then he gave her a paper, which she read and her eyes grew wide. This can't be good. She looked over her shoulder to me, then back at Joey. She said something to him and then he left in a hurry.

"May I ask what is wrong?" I said keeping my distance. I didn't want what just happened to repeat its self again.

She gave the paper a long look before, looking up at me. "We have a problem. That bullet that hit you had an explosive device in it.” She handed me the paper that Joey gave her. “And Shadow records have confirmed this bullet came from a weapon in your father’s army supply. When Joey asked about your father about the model of the gun, he stated that the model were disposed of months ago, do to the danger of his army.”

“So let me get this straight, who ever is after me is using my father’s disposed weapons?” I handed her back the paper and watched her as her green eyes glowed bright. Her hand went straight to her mouth and she began to walk away. “Akira you okay?” I asked coming closer, but she held her gun out.

“Don’t come closer.” Her finger went straight on the trigger, but she dropped the gun and left quickly. Tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

What the hell just happened? She was fine a few minutes ago when she helped me with my wounded shoulder and after pinning me to the wall with a weapon. Now the weird behavior she just had all of a sudden. The lustful and hungry look in her eyes when she looked at me made my hair stand on end. The creepy green glow and then her gun pointed at me. I use to see that in my grandmother’s eyes. Is it a Voldarak thing?

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