Speed Race

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Chapter 11

~*~*~*~*~*Akira’s POV~*~*~*~*~*

It’s been a maybe half a week and already the attacks have doubled and I have gotten barely any information about these assassins. The only thing I got out of one of our captives is: most of the assassins hangout at an illegal motorcycle racing spots. One was located near Levithan Night Club called the Patrol.

“How are we going to pull this off?” Trevor asked his feet up on the coffee table. “I mean the bastards there might already know our faces.”

“But they can’t report back that fast, because Akira don’t give them enough time to do that.” Joey said, giving me a little smile.

“Look, Shadow taught us we are masters of disguise. Why don’t I just act some careless and hyped up rookie that wants to enter. When I get in, you two start to investigate. Cut down anyone in your path. I know you guys can’t ride a motorcycle to save your lives.” I chuckled.

“You know you need a password or some sort of pass.” I heard someone’s voice I didn’t want to hear, I hate how his voice made me happy and giddy like a giggling and naive school girl.

“I think we know that, Prince Dante.” I said between my clinched teeth.

He came up behind me from where I was sitting, “If you knew that, you would have mentioned it.” He touched my shoulder and an electrical surge went down my spine bringing my body alive. I shrugged it off and sighed. “But the password is the wager of money you are betting, you have to bet more than what is brought up. I would be happy to let you borrow, Gavin’s motorcycles." 

Patrol 11:06 p.m

We borrowed one of Dante’s sports cars and a bright yellow Suzuki motorcycle. I wore the normal suit that all the bikers are supposed to wear, but the helmet had a built in communicator. The bad thing was I had no weapons to carry around and we had to let the prince come alone…. Why? He had the cash we needed and a very cute disguise as a bad ass. Not that I cared…..

When we go to the back gate one of the bouncers stopped us.

“Name?” He said looking directly at me.

Dammit I have to think of some name.

“Her name is George.” Dante said before I could open my mouth. “And she wages about two point five million.”

My jaw almost dropped.  When the bouncer wrote what he said he handed us a number and told us who our opponent was, a guy by the name of Josh.  After Joey went to go and see when I have to start my race.

“Do you see any of them?” I whispered to Trevor as he brought the Suzuki with us.

“Well just our luck the guy you are going up against is the leader of the same group here.” He looked behind him. “And that him coming now.”

I turned to see a rather muscular guy around Dante’s age. “Are you George?” He asked coming up to us.

“Yeah and you must be Josh.” I smirked. “Nice bike.”

He gave me a smug smile and walked away.

“Nice man don’t you think?” Dante said near my ear. “I would expect you to go for those types.” He laughed.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. “Please Lord give me the patience...”  

Forty-five minutes later

“You’re up next after, Sean and some guy that calls himself “The Bug”.” Joey said leaning against my bike as I sat on the seat. I looked over at Dante who was in a very deep conversation with Trevor. “You like him.” I heard Joey say, I could sense the moment of a pep talk.

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