In time

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Chapter 9

~*~*~*~*~*Akira's POV~*~*~*~*~*

I couldn't breathe....

His blood was so intoxicating, these strange feeling for him were making my heart pound. Why did I kiss him in Levithan? Why did I almost kiss him behind that freaking dumpster? 

I never have felt weak before, I have never had these feels. Why now?

I clinged to him, my fingers clawing into his chest, I couldn't stop crying. My thirst was getting worst until I bit my own lip, drawing blood. He just stood there, calm. But seconds later his arms were around me, holding me closer, making me feel even worse. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, he just smiled,

"Bite me." Were the first words I heard from him. "Bite me if it helps." I shook my head, trying to fight the urge to his request. However Dante being stubborn grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer, guiding my mouth up his neck to where his veins we more noticeable. I tried to pull back but his hand held the back of my head, "Drink!" 

I had no choice but to give in. I licked his skin, which made him shutter, and then sank my fangs into his neck. As soon as the blood hit the roof of my mouth, I saw everything. From his childhood, the way he grew up to the death of his brother, until now. I felt his emotions and saw what he was thinking. What he thought of his life.

I pulled away and almost collapsed to the floor. His blood was strong, it burnt my throat. I glanced over to see his neck still bleeding as he stared at me. I quickly ran out the room. Then I heard a gun shot.

I turned around and saw Dante coming after me, and then I heard another gun shot. I started to cry as I heard the screams of people. Then I was falling, falling….

I saw a boy, he wore Egyptian clothes, his hair black as night and complexion clod as snow. He was on his knees begging a man on a high throne, I heard the begging boy plead to him and called him, Osiris, the God of the Underworld.

“I need to live, I need to be immortal.” He said, holding his hands up in front of him, begging.

Osiris looked at him like he was the most disgusting thing in the earth, “Why should I give you what you want. What have you done for me?” his voice roared over the throne room, I assumed.

The boy began to cry and plea much more, “I have sacrificed my family in front of you by my own hands. You feed on their blood. Can you please just do this for me?”

Osiris looked down at him and smiled, “Yes, you did, but your future family life will have to pay the price.”

“Anything, please.” He said, getting to his feet.

“Every child of your loins will suffer this fate. The first child will die at the age of twenty and second will carry the blood of immortality. And as the cycle repeats a danger will soon come and take that immorality from you. I warn you.” Osiris said cutting his wrist open and poured his blood into a golden goblet. “You will now become an immortal and the first Voldarak to walk this earth.

 A few hours later

I opened my eyes to see the high white ceiling of the room I was staying in. I felt like my trainer back in Shadow, hit me in the head with one of his iron fist. I don’t know how I ended up here but I do remember hearing a gun shot, screaming people and that weird dream.

I looked around the room to find myself alone. I quickly got off the bed and almost fell forward. I caught myself before I hit the floor. I decided to use the wall for support, when Dante and his mother entered the room.

“My dear please don’t push yourself.” She came up to me and pulled me back to the bed.

“I think I know why the ucigaşi want your son. In his blood has immortality. All of the seconds kids have them, but to get this immortality, the first son or daughter must die.” I said sitting against the bed head as I watched the queen’s face show sadness.

“Yes, that is it. But there is one thing that was left out. The person with the immortality was allowed to live up to 2,050 years and then die, however if a non immortal Voldarak was able to drink the blood without dying the curse would break and our species would chose to be or not. And the Van Dorr family line can be free.”

She looked at me as I told her I drank Dante’s blood. “Will I break the curse?” she sighed and touched my hand, before leaving me with her son. 

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