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Chapter 10

~*~*~*~*~*Dante's POV~*~*~*~*~*

Once again Akira kept the distance from me.  I saw her through my library window, in the garden practicing her combat skills with Trevor. Her body moved gracefully, throwing every punch and kick at him.

“Graceful, isn’t she?” Joey said taking one of the books off the shelf.

I nodded taking my eyes off of her. “Tell me about her. I want to know about her, it has been a month and an half.

Joey sighed and settled into on of the plush couches. “Akira isn’t your normal Voldarak, shes from a royal family, I think the same level as yours. But you might know her family, the Eltsinas from Russia?”

I nodded.

“That was her family, pure bloodsuckers. They lived off of blood. Breathed it. Drank it religiously. Unlike her parents, she detested it, her parents forced her until she ran away. A month later, she ended up in Shadow on the account of killing a drug addict. She was dumped in Shadow academy, that’s where I met her. She was quiet, with a very down to earth personality. And also a very fast learner for her young age, she mastered her levels quickly. I didn’t become her friend until she offered to tutor me through the levels.

“By the time she was fifteen, she fell for Ian Marx. He was sixteen and already killing people in the real world. As time passed, they secretly started to date. You see Shadow doesn’t allow love relationships, only team cooperation. Unfortunately by the age of sixteen, she came to me with the most surprising news: she was pregnant. She begged me not to tell and I promised I wouldn’t.

“But time took its toll on her. By the time she was five months pregnant, she was training for her first mission, when one of the trainers made a right blow in the wrong place. When he hit her she cried ou tin pain and blood was all over the bottom of her uniform.

“She was rushed to the infirmary and pronounced to have a miscarriage. Our commanding officer was furious. He questioned her, but she refused tell who was the father until D.N.A results from the baby showed.

“Weeks later, we heard Ian Marx was killed right in front of Akira. Then she was put in something we called the ‘break room’.”

“What is the ‘break room’?” I asked.

“The break room is actually a torture room, which has televisions that project, the resent killings of a loved one. And from what I have heard was that they showed her Ian’s death over and over to her.

“How long did they keep her in there?” I asked curiously.

“Maybe a week or a month, however when she came out her personality changed. She became merciless in her killings. Volunteered in any kind of missions and didn’t care how difficult it was. That’s when we met Trevor, he joined our group.

“What about her parents? Does she know about their death?” I asked. “I know they were assassinated.”

“They were killed by their own daughter’s hands.” Joey said getting up.


“I don’t know, you have to ask her that yourself. All I know was she did it.”

Out in the garden

Akira was sitting on the floor, meditating.

“Yes, Dante? How may I help you?” Her red eyes opened as she got up.

“Joey told me about your life and before you go and murder him. I asked him to tell me.” I said holding my hands up.

“Okay, so why are you out here, messing up my time of peace?” She said sitting back down on floor.

“I came to ask you about your parents-”

“They are dead end of story.” She got up once again, her face full of anger. “Why are you so damn curious?”

“Because, I want to know why you killed them.”  I snapped at her.

She stayed quiet for a while until she looked down. “I was in my third major mission in Russia. After the mission I would go see my parents but that’s when I found out my targets were my parents. Joey and Trevor knew I did the assassination, but they didn’t know why.”

“Why did you?”

“My parents had turned rogue, something not common in our kind. But when I went to the house I felt home, warmth, and happiness. Not when I saw my parents I felt no love nothing, even when I killed them. They never loved me. Every picture of me in that house was burnt. I lost the man who gave me the little wonderful thing and parents who never loved me.”

Akira closed her eyes then opened them and then I saw a lost girl in them.

“I have to go.” She quickly moved from in front of me and ran the other way.

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