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Chapter 12

~*~*~*~*~*Dante’s POV~*~*~*~*~*

I sat on my bed thinking about how many times I have kissed Akira. She made my heart race, even though I sometimes think she is the most annoying bodyguard. But so beautiful and fierce, you find any girl like her. Anywhere.

I looked at my window to see the rain beating against it. I sighed and got up from my bed. As soon as I was about to exit the room, I opened the door to see Akira.

"Sorry to disturb you." She said in a low voice. This was the first time I have seen her so calm and...shy.

"No, its fine I was leaving, you want to talk about something." I moved aside so she could come in. She walked in and kept her hand against her mouth. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded and looked down. Was the serious and strict Akira showing weakness? I walked up to her and cup her chin, making her look at me. She looked like she was about to cry. She batted my hand away and was about to leave, when I began to speak. She turned around; her red eyes looked at me with desire and confusion.

"Something is wrong, what is it?" I said pulling her back towards me. She looked at me for a few minutes then began to speak.

"I know you might not like this, but we have to get you out of Imperia. Somewhere safe that they won't know to find you." She said looking away.

"Do Trevor and Joey know about this?" I asked. She nodded her head.

 "They leave to go back to Shadow for a while and then come back to Russia."

"So where are we going to go."

"We are leaving tonight, to Russia. Your parents approved of this since the first time we came here. You already have stuff packed and ready to go." She walked to the door.

When she closed the door, I wanted to kick myself. I don't know why but I want to say something to her, like how much she makes me feel. I have never felt this way before. I think I am falling for her. Then again I don't think there is a point to it, because she might not have the same feels towards me. Wait; in the ballroom weeks ago, she said why I give these feelings and blood lust. She does like me!

An hour later                        

After saying our good byes to my parents and the rest of Akira’s team, Akira and I went straight to the airport. She stayed quiet during the car ride, plane ride and even when we landed.

The first words that came out her mouth were: “Uncle Mikhail!” She ran up a man in his mid-forties. “It’s been so long.”She hugged him.

“Yes, my dear it has been. I am hoping your flight was okay?” He spoke to her in a very heavy Romanian accent.

“It was okay, but I have a guest that will be staying with us.” She pointed to me. “Uncle this is Dante Van Dorr.”

Her uncle rushed up to me and shook my hand, then bowed. “It is my honor to host one of the Voldarak’s highest families.” He straightened himself and I could see the same red eyes.  He took my bags and we all walked to the front of the airport, where a limo and an Audi R8 were parked.

“Ah, my baby.” Akira rushed to the Audi and jumped inside. “UNCLE I NEED MY KEYS!” She shouted from the driver side window. Her uncle walked up the passenger side and passed her the keys. She turned on the engine and it purred to life, as I went in the limo with her uncle.

Eltsina Palace in the mountains: Snowing

When we reached to the palace, my jaw dropped. The palace looked more like a castle; it was bigger than my palace in Imperia. The evening sun gave the huge structure its goldenrod color reflecting on the white snow. Minutes later, Akira’s Audi roles in as I started to walk up the stairs, servants next to me with my bags. When her uncle joined me at the top, he opened the door to more amazement.

Inside was even more mind blowing. The walls where a deep golden color with red spiral symbols around the edges, making a snake like form to the middle. When I looked up the ceiling was three times the size of my palace ceiling. I walked further inside and saw marble staircases that had the same red symbols in it like the walls. To my left was a picture of a man and woman, the woman looked Indian (from India), she was sitting down in a chair, her white dress like water around her. While the man stood with power and pride. The woman looked a little like Akira.

“Those are my parents.” Akira said behind me, nearly giving me a heart attack. “Akilina Nika Eltsina is my mother and Nikifor Artem Eltsina is my father.” She pointed to the picture. “This way.” She said taking her hand in mine and towing me to the stairs. I followed her to the first flight of stairs, and then went down the hall, passing rooms. We stopped in front of one and Akira opened the door. “This is your room.” I enter to find hard polished wooden floor, deep crimson plush carpets, a massive bed and red and golden furniture. A flat screen TV and sound system on the wall as a pure crystal chandelier hanged from the middle of the ceiling. “I think you will find everything to your liking, Prince Dante.” She let go of my hand and left me in the room. 

10:48 p.m.

After dinner, Akira disappeared as I carried a conversation with her uncle. After that I started to explore the palace. I found my self in many rooms and secret passage ways. That’s when I ended up seeing Akira walking; I quickly hide by the nearest pillar and waited until I heard her footsteps decrease. I looked over to see her with a man, I instantly felt angry. They both disappeared, behind golden doors. I quickly ran over to the door and debated whether to go in or not, until I heard music.

I quietly went in and saw Akira dancing; she was wearing a short black dress. She swirled and danced with the guy, until he lifted her up. Damn how much I want to be him. Her body made a perfect arch as lifted her up with one hand, then she gracefully slide down his body, like he was her only lover. Anger began to rage up inside me as she brought herself so close to him.

The song ended and they went apart. When the man left Akira started the same song over and started to dance but stopped when she saw me. Shock was written all over her face. She just stood there, staring at me.

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