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Chapter 6 

~*~*~*~*~*Dante's POV~*~*~*~*~*

5 days later

Everything has been calm, no attackers, no attacks or anything. I have become friends with Joey and Trevor, who seem like complete laid back guys. Unlike, Akira who was always in a serious mode, filing paperwork and out late at night, coming back with bits of information.

But right now, the day is going slow. Trevor and Joey are playing darts, while I am trying to read a book, however that isn’t going so great for me because Akira’s heels kept clicking up and down the stairs. I loved the way she ran up the stairs and the way she zoomed down them. I had to sometimes act like I was reading, when she looked my way.

An hour or so passed and everyone was getting restless and bored, except Akira.

“What do you do when you are bored and there is nothing attacking you?” Joey said throwing grapes into his mouth.

“I would normally go out but since your leader says I can’t since, she doesn’t have enough information to see who is after me.” I sighed, glancing over at Akira who was sitting on the steps of the stairs.

She looked up from her papers and glared at me. “If you want to die, go ahead.”

“Who said I was going alone, I am taking you three with me. You all work so hard and I am tried of being stuck in this freakin’ palace. It might even help, Ms. Akira with her information hunting.” I smiled her way but she just scowled.

“What do you have in mine?” Trevor said, clapping his hands together.

“This club I have wanted to go to called, Levithan. A couple of the palace guards have gone there and they said it really is good. If you are a party person.” I looked directly at Akira, who gave the death stare to her partners. They laughed at her and tried to convince her.


Around 9:47pm

Trevor, Joey and me waited downstairs for Akira, who took almost more forty-five minutes. She didn’t emerge until after Trevor called her from the communicator on his wrist. She came down the stairs while putting a magazine in her silver gun. She wore clothes that clinged to her body, shaping every inch of her size four body, I assume.

“Ready?” She said walking out the door.


Levithan Night Club

When we entered the club, lights of all colors flashed on and off. Every dancer had a partner and drink in their hand.

“Keep your communicators on at all times.” Akira said shouting over the loud music.

Both Joey and Trevor nodded and then disappeared in the sea of people. Leaving me and serious, assassin, Akira. She walked to the left and I followed, I couldn’t help but stare at her from behind. We stopped at a table, where she ordered drinks, which was hers was mixed with blood. When they came she drank hers in a hurry and stared out to the dancers.

The music died down for a while until I saw her tapping her foot to the beat of a new song playing. It was a Sean Paul song, it was so right for the moment. I automatically got up and grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. I know she had a job to protect me but for the last few days she has been working and acting up tight.

I brought her close to me and in an instant both out bodies began to move together. Her grinding up against me, hands up in the air. While my arms around her waist, too low to be innocent.  But a few seconds into the song, she leaned her head back and kissed my neck. What the hell….?

I looked up and saw Joey and Trevor dancing with two random girls in the crowd.

My right hand began to slide down to her hips and I can feel the handle of a dagger. I pulled her closer and she didn’t protest. She turned around and faced me, still dancing very closely. Her lips went to my neck, until I felt her fangs, but she moved away putting some distance away from both of us. Her body still moved with the music, until I grabbed her again. Pulling her into my arms again, keeping her close.

Akira wrapped her arms around my neck and looked at me dead in the eyes. I tilted my face towards hers and our foreheads connected, one of her hands slide down to the middle of my chest, landing over my heart. That’s when something I didn’t expect happen…we kissed.

I felt the sudden rush of chills coming into my body, it felt amazing. Our kiss deepened until she communicator buzzed in my ear. Great way, to ruin a perfect moment. She pulled away and answered. 

"We have to get out of here." She said taking my hand and pulling me in the opposite direction.

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