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Chapter 8

~*~*~*~*~*Dante's POV~*~*~*~*~*

They always said a lady must be mannerly and very quiet, but there is one girl that doesn't go by that. Akira sat in her room, swearing when my physicians pulled the bullets out of her back, side and arm. I stayed with her partners outside, waiting for the sea of curses to stop.

About an hour later all the physicians exited the room and we entered, seeing Akira sitting up. She was still in the clothes that were bloody and still beautiful on her.

"What is more painful? Getting shot by bullets or getting them out?" She looked directly at me and then back at her team mates. "So any reports of his Majesty's attackers?"

"There is one thing, they group that tried to attack you this afternoon and the other days are is called, ucigaşi." They have been an underground, assassins group in Romania. Apparently they have been under the past king's rule as bodyguards and assassins for the king's court. But after the mysterious death of Prince Victor, your uncle, your grandfather banished them to Romania. Unfortunately, they are after something.”

“It’s in their blood.” I heard Akira say. I looked over at her, to see her staring at the floor.

“Excuse me?” Joey said looking up at both me and Trevor.

“It’s in their blood, whatever the hell they want it’s in the Van Dorr bloodline.” She looked up at me. “The sniper we caught days ago was telling that all Voldaraks can see secrets in blood when they drink it. I have seen it for myself, I saw his thoughts, felt his emotions, and he satisfied my thirst as I sank my fangs into him.” She touched her lips then looked up at all of us, showing fear in her eyes, but held a strong jaw.

No one spoke for a couple seconds, until Akira got up and began to walk away when I grabbed her hand. She looked at me with hungry eyes and that’s when Trevor pulled me away. While I watched her walk away out of the room.

The next three weeks, Saturday: 12:38 p.m                                                                                                                            

Akira ignores me, stayed away from me. She would scout the area, check on me and then leave. She never once looked at me or got even an inch near me. She mostly talked to my father, even then she talked to him she was far distance away. I could see in her eyes she was thirsty for blood, I know because my grandfather had the same look in his eyes.

I decided to sneak in my mother’s library and find grandfather’s journals. When I got there, I quickly walked passed her as she took her nap on the day chair and went behind her desk.

“It’s in the top draw on the left.” I heard my mother say from behind me. I turned to see my mother towering over me.  “Remember, Dante as old as you are, you can never get passed me when I sleep.” She smiled and opened the draw. I took the book out and then she was by the door. “When you are done, put it back in there.” She said and left.

I opened the book randomly to a journal entry. Inside was my grandfather’s neat fancy hand writing. I read through entry after entry and found nothing, except for the same line on each entry: “The secret is inside the second offspring of the Van Dorr line.”

I mean I am the second child in the family, what does it mean? I placed the journal back in the draw, and then hurried over to the Van Dorr family tree. I skimmed through fifteen generations of my family bloodline, to find that my mother was the second child. Maybe she knows what grandfather meant.  But then I realized the first child was always killed by the time they were the age of twenty-one. Last year Gavin was killed at his prime age of twenty-one as well, but yet the second child was allowed to live. Now I am being hunted, for something I don’t even know about.

All I know is that Akira and my grandfather are talking about something in the Van Dorr blood. Hopefully my mother would know.

I exited the library and ended up in the ballroom to find Akira sitting in one of the chairs, twirling a dagger between her fingers.

“What do you want?” The dagger in her hand stopped spinning, as she held its hilt firmly.

“I shouldn’t be asked such a question if I am the owner of this palace.” I said walking closer to her.

“I will ask whatever I please if I am your bodyguard. I could have let you die, a few weeks ago.” She shot up, as the chair crashed backwards against the tile floor.

“But yet you didn’t.” I said keeping my voice calm. I knew she was angry and I could feel her fear. She turned to face me and I could see tears in her eyes.

“I feel so weak, something I never felt before. Why are you torturing me like this?” She dropped the dagger to the floor. “Why do you make my heart race and my lust for blood rise?” She bites her bottom lip. “What have I ever done to you?”

Before I could answer, I was against the wall. Akira’s body pinning me against it, her lips on my collarbone as she tried to control her shaking hands clinging to my chest.

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