Chapter 28: The Long Night

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The tearful Rahim rushed through as Selena's lifeless, bloody body fell; Azrael created a wave of ice and stone, pushing Medusa and the still marching army back, propelling him to catch her and carrying them and Rahim towards Doragon. The three looked at each other with shimmering eyes, but Thor's terrifying roar shook the very foundation of Snowhaven, the castle of ice and stone trembling from his Divine wrath.

He forced his way through the line of soldiers still waiting to attack them, but most fled after seeing the rampaging dragon destroying all in his path. His massive paws crushed through the broken gems and stone from the once magnificent gardens as Thor charged directly after Medusa, but she raised her hand, and a blue barrier encased her in an arcane shield, protecting her from melee attacks. He crashed into it, but Thor was relentless, bashing his horns and claws against the wall of energy, not willing to stop until he could destroy the snake himself.

Rahim looked up from Doragon's protective hold and yelled, "Thor, stop," but the distraught dragon was caught in a blind rage.

Medusa smiled and flickered her wrists, her blue barrier exploding in all directions, sending Thor backwards, and she mocked, "You're weak. I just killed your rider. What are you waiting for, dragon? Finish me."

Thor recovered when her magic dissipated and hung his head, his deep breathing resonating with the growing waves rocking around the icy fortress; Medusa laughed when she invoked his fury.

"Oh no," Azrael whispered and tightened his grip around Selena's body. "We must get back. Doragon, please cover us."

Doragon snaked his head around the trio, wrapping them within his shielding wings and ensconcing them in his coiled tail. Meanwhile, Thor's crimson scales were imbued with a sinister aura, plumes of dark Aether energy wafting from his length. As his breaths grew deeper and heavier, lightning and fire struck the ground in front of him. With a swish of his tail, he summoned screaming winds and dust clouds circling him, tearing apart the castle from his wrathful firestorm. The brewing cataclysm threatened to render his allies helpless within Doragon's shelter.

Doragon roared, and Azrael, knowing that Thor would soon destroy the Water Kingdom capital, created a red barrier of arcane energy, protecting them from Thor's ensuing wrath. The ground quaked, and the howling typhoon destroyed the castle towers above them, carrying and throwing the debris of ice and stone into the violent waves rocking their fragile island.

Rahim banged his fists against Azrael's shield, ignoring the squall smashing against their bubble. "Thor's losing it.!" He slammed his fists against the ice before drawing Selena closer. She was dead; Rahim didn't want to believe it. He couldn't— "This is your fault." Before Azrael could ask what he meant, Rahim decked him hard in the jaw. "This is your fault!" he shouted, and Azrael stumbled back. "Selena is dead because of you. You planned this, didn't you? You knew she would die. Why didn't you help her or warn us?"

Azrael rubbed his cheek and hissed through his teeth; Doragon roared upon witnessing Thor's grief and torment. "We tried to stop it, but we're not to tell—"

Rahim silenced him. "I don't give a damn about your Divine forsaken code. Why did you let her die? Every time you looked at her, didn't you see how much time she had left? Didn't you? Blast it, answer me." Rahim's voice sounded fragile, as if it and his heart would break at any moment. He was about to strike Azrael again, but Doragon snarled at him to stop, his tail thumping against the barrier.

Medusa's goading and taunting interrupted their brawl, and she continued screaming and laughing when Thor's fury showed no bounds. "Show me what the Dark Master has granted you, dragon."

Rahim's fists trembled, but Azrael scowled when Doragon reminded him of their oath. You're the promise everyone has to keep, and Death fulfills his oaths.

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