Chapter 10: The Shepherd of Souls

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Thor immediately landed upon his haunches, wings still extended, and reluctantly relinquished his protective hold as Selena stumbled from his paw. The moment her foot made contact with the ground, the growling Thor immediately whipped over and pinned her down with his claws while exerting caution not to crush her under his weight.

His voice rumbled in her mind as he bared his large teeth, his hot and stinky breath making her near gag. What were you thinking?

Selena was still a little dazed and confused. She had remained somewhat sensible throughout the ordeal this time: her first transformation rendered her unconscious and not in control, and she considered it a small victory.

I was angry, and I was trying to—

You could have gotten yourself killed! What is the matter with you?

Pray forgive me, for I don't know what overcame me.

Sorry isn't going to bring you back if you had gotten killed. Promise me that you won't do that again until you have more control. When Selena wouldn't answer right away, Thor roared. Swear it to me!

I swear to you, my dear. I won't do that again unless I have more control.

Thor lowered his growling snout to her face before giving her a huff in satisfaction. He lifted his paws and let her get to her feet, just as Doragon circled overhead and landed beside them. Rahim, meanwhile, kept pointing a shaking finger at Azrael and Selena while exclaiming, "I've never seen that kind of magic before from either of you."

While Selena was looking at Azrael full of questions, she answered: "Right now is not the best of times, but just know that I found the power to become a dragon."

Rahim's eyes widened. "By the Divines, you really are a dragon, but how?"

"I said not now. Azrael, you're not human, are you?" When he didn't reply, overcome with fear, Selena pulled out one of her loaded concealed pistols strapped to Thor's harness and pointed it at his head. Ignoring Rahim's protests, she demanded again, "Answer me—what in Oblivion are you?"

The firearm shook in her hands, but Azrael remained calm and collective; even Doragon was unfazed by her threat. Instead, the gold and silver dragon lowered his head and gently pushed Azrael forward, giving a series of chirps and clicks that made Thor's eyes widen in shock.

Thor kept his wings unfurled, and his growls grew in intensity as he pulled Selena back. Don't do anything rash, my dear. If I understand Doragon correctly, Azrael is—

Azrael merely raised a brow and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know, yet you're holding a gun to Death's head."

Both Rahim and Selena were at a loss for words when Azrael nonchalantly confirmed who he was; Doragon stretched out his claws and licked his chops, relaxing after hiding their guises for so long. Hissing and bristling, Thor wrapped Selena and Rahim within his wings, shielding them from the disguised Divine.

Yet, Rahim's misery grew, and he grieved for Niamh, but his sobbing display infuriated Azrael. "Your darling isn't dead," he finally said.

Selena lowered her gun. "We just saw her—"

Azrael's dark blue eyes burned with vicious intent. "Are you mocking me? Niamh isn't dead—badly hurt, yes, but still alive," he groaned when they still looked at him in disbelief, "let's help the survivors before it's too late for them." Selena couldn't move the gun away as he walked back to Doragon, yet Azrael peered over his shoulder. "You can put that away, by the way—I'm not your enemy."

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