Chapter 18: Unmovable and Unstoppable

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The celebration was in full swing as the Aynu were resplendent with dance, food, and merriment. Rahim eyed the meat roasting in their spits over the bonfire, but he had to wait until the two alphas gave the word; Kiba and Maru took their share first, then the new pack members. Rahim graciously and ravenously accepted his food, but Selena and Azrael weren't as enthusiastic.

Thor and Doragon, meanwhile, had already returned from their evening hunt with freshly caught wild boar, but Thor asked if the Aynu could cook his. I pray neither to be impertinent nor a snob, but I enjoyed how Silver's chefs prepared the meat during the ball.

Not at all, my dear. You deserve the best, even if that means preparing your meals however you see fit, though that may prove difficult with our journey.

Doragon remained indifferent as he gobbled his catch without a second thought, watching the show as the other wolves howled and danced around the fire. They ate, laughed, and told stories for the remainder of the evening.

Selena twirled her wolf totem between her fingers before returning it to her neck and sought out Azrael; he had just sat beside Doragon with his untouched bowl of food as she approached. "Please forgive me for seeming too forward, but did you know Artio was real?"


Selena wasn't expecting his freely given answer. "Pardon me? I've never heard of her before now. I hope not to sound intolerant, but—"

Azrael rubbed his hands together over his knees. "It's not my place to say which gods are real or fake, as that defies what religion is about and the purpose of believing. Artio exists like the Divines, and she's important to this forest. Did you speak with her?"

"Yes, when I returned the artifact."

"I see. If you must know, Artio is my sister."

"Sister?" Selena took a step back. "I didn't know you had any other family."

Azrael only shrugged, but when he asked her to keep their relationship a secret, Selena agreed. However, she wanted to share with Thor what she had learned but decided against it; Azrael asked her to keep their discussion clandestine on his behalf, and she wanted to honor his wishes.

Yet, she was distracted when Thor lunged forward at her, like a cat attacking its prey. His scaly lips curled into a sneer when his surprise attack made Selena trip over her feet. Please, be careful next time.

I don't believe that's my fault that you're not paying attention to me. Thor lowered his massive head, his smoldering eyes almost twice the size of her shield, and his studded eyelids clicked as he blinked. Could you hold onto this for me?

Hold on to what? Thor snaked his neck back and lowered his chin to the totem tied to his necklace. Oh, don't you want to wear it anymore?

I don't want to lose it when flying or in combat.

Selena's eyes darted down to Thor's bracelets. But you have no issues with your bracelets or the chain Aracania gave you.

My treasures are safely clasped on my wrists and neck, but this leather is flimsy. As Thor lowered his neck to her level, Selena untied the stringy necklace from his gold chain. Upon further examination of the crafted piece, Selena believed Thor was right and that it was a matter of time before he lost it. I'll keep it in my bag for you.

Thank you, my dear.

The group agreed to spend the evening and rest before setting out towards Starsong and Nuvak, though Selena faced Azrael's opposition. He ultimately changed his mind when Doragon and Thor complained, wishing to rest their wings before setting off again.

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