Chapter 27: Blood on the Ice

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The crimson sky turned to charcoal, and the rain hammered down as Silver stood outside Moonridge's tavern and looked over the horizon, his concentration and gaze fixated on Snowhaven's direction. Aracania paid no attention, relaxing after a delicious meal while laying ensconced within her coils, wings wholly unfurled against the green turf. Her deep breaths were like a forge's bellows, her rhythmic beating drums soothing, contrasting Alfheim's requiem.

Once he sobered, General Araneus soon joined him. "Since the Council planned their betrayal, I don't think there's any hope for Liongod and the others. The Lich may very well have the dragon eggs as we speak."

Silver bit his cheeks and searched through his jacket pockets, pulling out the letters he had received from Selena while she was in Rhumbek and Nuvak. Araneus peered over his shoulder and pulled out a sealed letter delivered from Snowhaven Vidar claimed was from her, waiting for reinforcements in the capital to establish their covert; upon comparing the handwriting, the general swore and crumpled the forged message before tossing it away.

He rubbed his temples when Aracania opened one leering eye, her tail flickering. "Only the Divines know the truth."

Silver's face drained of what little color he had, wishing he could teleport directly to Snowhaven. He was so close to finishing the Aether line project; Silver cringed at his lost research, for that was the second time the Lich destroyed his work. "I'm going after Liongod and the others," he said.

"Then allow Aracania and I to join you," Araneus pleaded, and the chittering Aracania clicked her claws against the rocks, agreeing with his declaration.

Silver refused their assistance, not wishing harm to befall them. "I'm sorry, sir, but your duty is here to protect the imperial family."

"No, not after what happened. I failed my men; how am I equipped to protect Their Imperial Majesties, let alone the Crown Princess?" Araneus hissed through his teeth when he met Silver's somber gaze. "Oh, blast it—Admiral, I may have sentenced her to death."

Silver snarled at him, not believing a word of it. "How could you have known?"

Araneus marched to the sleepy Aracania and leaned against her bulging stomach. "I failed to bring the Council to justice, and now the Empire has fallen. Pray forgive me for sending Liongod into the depths of Oblivion, Admiral—I had no idea. May the Divines help us."

Looking towards the darkness brewing in the far east across the ocean, Silver said, "Sir, you haven't failed, and the war isn't over yet," and turned sharply on his heels, heading back inside the tavern.

He trekked back to the room where he left Vulduin and Aryl alone; the two were in an intense discussion with Armageddon's map unrolled between them as Silver barged inside, the door swinging open. "I have something to say," he announced, expecting an objection to his plans, but Vulduin was surprisingly quiet. "I'm leaving to find Selena and Thor. I can't stay here any longer and expect them to return. You've held me back long enough, and I've had it: you will not stop me from going after them."

Vulduin and Aryl remained calm. "Then we won't," said the Shadow Emperor.

Silver didn't expect this response. "Pardon me?"

"My wife and I were planning on how we would rescue our daughter, and then you just waltzed in here to declare your intentions. I couldn't have planned that better myself."

Silver cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. "Very good."

When that was settled, Vulduin turned to Aryl. "In the meantime, General Araneus and Aracania will safely escort you to Dark Blood Hold—I suspect Lord Vincent Godfrey will be expecting us soon." Glaring at Silver, he added, "You will rendezvous with us there once you rescue Selena and the others."

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