Chapter 7: His Dark Majesty's Mercy

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Azrael had returned to the barracks around three-thirty, but Selena, unable to sleep, sat cross-legged on the floor with a deck of cards, building miniature houses to help pass the time. She only grunted when he said hello, focusing on stacking the cards, but he remained indifferent to her hostile greeting. She was utterly ignorant of his banter since he returned, and all he kept talking about was the Aynu.

Instead, she could only concentrate on the upcoming assignment and how she and Thor would have to settle with Azrael's claptrap. Since General Araneus announced the mission to Colonel Cyres and Onyxria, the two dismissed the pair for preparations, as they were set to leave in two days on the twenty-sixth of Arelion. Silver had notified them of his plans to host a ball at Dragonstone in their honor the evening before departure to see them off; however, Selena noted his anticipation in receiving her reservations for the affair, but she didn't think any of it.

Yet, Azrael seemed not bothered; he lay sprawled over his top bunk, one foot dangling freely over the edge. "You should have seen the grave state of those travelers—all chopped up like a butcher's work. Your mother won't stop worrying about your trip." He laughed, but when Selena didn't react, he added, "Quit being so quiet—you're beginning to spook me."

Selena scooted herself across the floor away from him. "Not talking."

Azrael sat up. "Do you still have mother issues you need to work through?"

Words fired like bullets. Selena jumped up and whipped her head around, her smoldering emerald eyes piercing through his deep blues. "Watch your tongue."

"I like seeing you angry," he paused when Selena wasn't amused, "have you tried talking to her? Since the trial, you've been very quiet—I thought you would be happy."

"I dunno how Thor and I will stand your unruly behavior." Her nostrils flared when Azrael only shrugged. "You knew former Captain Bel stole Silver's journal, didn't you? Why didn't you stop him?"

Azrael snarled. "What was I supposed to do?"

"You could have intervened."

"I swear you're mad as a hatter. I couldn't risk getting involved. Besides, your parents already knew, and Phantom Dust helped us plan the trial: it was just a matter of time before Ashur turned in the evidence, but we were ready."

Selena gritted her teeth and dug her nails into her palms, frustrated by his involvement. "For once in your life, leave me alone."

There was a furrow in Azrael's brow, but he shrugged. "I can't do that or risk the Council executing you."

"What's with your sudden change of heart? If you were indeed a traitor to the Lich this whole time, why did you try to kill my friends and me?"

Azrael answered bluntly, "To make my alliance more convincing—you wouldn't die. I remember Silver explaining mine and Doragon's secret alliance, as we want the Dark Master gone for more reasons than you can imagine." He paused and turned away from Selena's fiery gaze, hanging his head in defeat. "Your father also agreed to help us reclaim what's rightfully ours."

"And what's that?"

"That's personal."

She heard Thor's voice echo in her thoughts. That won't help you get what you want from him.

He's such a prick.

Come now—there's no need for insults. I would be grateful to him for saving your hide.

Infuriated and flustered, Selena threw her remaining deck into the card house. After what she endured from Azrael's torment, he stepped over the line of what she was willing to tolerate. Azrael climbed down and called for her attention, his voice sounding like a sword scraping against metal, making her cringe further. "How long will it take to realize that this is here?"

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