Chapter 23: City of Secrets

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Selena was taken aback by the sudden bustle and noise arising explosively from Snowhaven's shore. Thor and Doragon landed softly and carefully on the ice island with much caution needed by their unwanted new company as both men and women waved them down, drawing attention.

Thor observed their behaviors with great interest, snorting in amusement at some of the denizens pushing forward and waving them in their direction, tail twitching as he strutted by. Selena was confused and overwhelmed; she was never given this much attention, even back home at Alfheim. She looked over at Azrael and saw that he wasn't taking the welcome well, keeping his hands over his belted revolver—the one issued to him from the Force. Doragon shared his contempt for the crowd, avoiding them like Nuvak's plague, and followed Thor closely. Rahim, on the other hand, returned their waves, enjoying being the center of attention.

The crowd's cheers and chants were interrupted when a robed official parted through the enthusiastic audience, shouting for everyone to move away. "Pardon me—make way for His Majesty's justiciar. Ah, you must be the anticipated riders from the Force. Welcome to Snowhaven."

Justiciar William Holland was a stout middle-aged man dressed in a high-necked blue coat of silk and unicorn hair lined in gold and furs, matching his golden breeches. A pair of round spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose set against his beat red face beaded with sweat that he wiped away with a handkerchief. As the justiciar had approached, the crowd circled him in with Thor and Doragon, but the dragons finally had enough; they unfurled their tired wings and roared—not loudly out of intimidation, but their growls were enough to deter the spectators.

Once she confirmed the ground was clear, Selena climbed down Thor's foreleg and politely greeted Justiciar Holland, who knelt before her, recognizing her imperial status before Rahim and Azrael had a chance for introductions. "It's a pleasure to meet the Crown Princess herself. Not long before your arrival, your father, His Imperial Majesty, had sought an audience with King Boreas Tristan regarding the Mythic Flight clutch. You and your allies are very welcome, Your Imperial Highness; you five have traveled a great distance, so please, follow me, and you shall be housed in the castle at once. His Majesty has made quarters ready for you and a stone garden for your dragons."

Selena and Rahim had unstrapped the egg chest, which Thor scooped within his claws and set it before the justiciar, who eyed it greedily but withheld grabbing the trunk. Azrael, meanwhile, remained mounted on Doragon, looking at the dispersing crowd with a suspicious glare; Doragon's tail flickered from side to side, sharing his apprehension.

Satisfied, Holland gestured for the group to follow him towards Snowhaven's citadel; Selena and Rahim trodded beside Thor and Doragon with the dragon eggs, taking in the icy city's grandeur as the justiciar gave them the grand tour.

Snowhaven's castle was magnificently large enough to accommodate Thor and Doragon, granting them easy passage for dragons of Ulrich's mass. Selena's steps echoed across the polished black stone and never-melting ice, the stained glass windows reflecting small, shimmering sunlight. They passed through the vaulted keep, its braziers lit by blue flames, but Selena noticed the empty throne and asked where His Majesty was. Holland briefly explained, "King Boreas Tristan is very busy running one of the finest cities in the Empire. If you wish an audience with the king, Your Highness, I may be able to make the arrangements if time permits."

"I beg your pardon, Justiciar, but we pray that the capital has been safe since the recent assault on Alfheim," Selena said; Holland paused his tour and looked at her strangely. "I'm sure you've heard of the news."

Holland readjusted his glasses. "Yes, indeed. We received the news from Vidar's falcon, and your father reaffirmed the importance of our providing aid in the upcoming war. Take care, Your Highness; you and your friends are safe here as we construct our covert of dragon riders, beginning with the Mythic Flight."

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