Chapter 22: Fire and Water

Start from the beginning

"We must keep trying."

Chaliss returned with a tray full of earl grey with lemon, scones, and Selena's choice of drink. "I never forgot," she grinned, "Before the mist, life has been kind to me here."

Selena smiled and sipped her perfectly sweetened green tea. When Thor groaned, she offered him a scone, and he slurped it with delight. "We were afraid the Order killed you in the fire."

Chaliss set the tray on top of her coffee table before sitting down. "Loki saved my life and brought me here."

Selena set her cup down. "I wanted to ask you something. Before I do, please understand that I know who I am and have reconnected with my parents."

The color drained from Chaliss' face. "I pray that you're not angry with me."

Selena's eyes widened. "Why would I be angry? Did you already know?"

Chaliss sighed. "The day Flying Officers Gromm and Beck brought you and Thor to my house, Her Imperial Majesty gave them a parcel addressed to me explaining everything. It read that you were her daughter and that the Council was to never find out about you or Thor. The Empress even gave you a different surname so that the Council couldn't trace you back to her. Your parents said they would compensate me well for taking care of you, and they did. Even being here, your mother and father ensured that I would live well and be safe."

"That's wonderful that they've been kind to you, and that was what I wanted to ask. Unfortunately, the Council found out." When she saw the look on Chaliss' face, Selena hastily continued. "They agreed to allow me and Thor to remain in the Imperial Air Force; we're currently on a mission for the Council as we speak."

Tears glistened in Chaliss' eyes. "Rahim told me of your adventures, and I couldn't be more proud of all three of you."

Selena spent the next few hours catching up with Chaliss on all the lost time. While going through her story, she felt silly for how she had behaved earlier. Selena captured moments of hers and Thor's training, how she found out about who she was, and so on. Chaliss eagerly listened to every detail, illuminating that she had missed them dearly. Even as it was time to leave, Chaliss offered to let them sleep in her spare rooms.

Selena declined. "Unfortunately, we have to be in Snowhaven soon as we're already behind schedule. Let's meet again under better circumstances." She gave Chaliss one final hug before Thor pulled his snout away, allowing them to walk outside.

Chaliss followed and patted his nose. "It's wonderful to see you again, Thor. I can't believe how big you've gotten since I last saw you. How much does he weigh now?"

"I believe he was last measured at fifteen tons."

Thor snorted and groaned. You make that seem like it's a bad thing.

Not at all; rather, you're growing to the size of a mountain.

"I'm going with you too," Rahim announced, and he, too, marched outside.

"Wait, you're not staying?" Chaliss asked through glistening eyes.

"There is something I must do first, but I promise to return soon."

Chaliss embraced her son one last time with tears streaming down her face. "I'll be waiting here."

After their reunion, they made their way to the local inn to find a courier falcon. Selena gripped her letter to Silver and General Araneus and coin as she delivered them to the handler. When she and Rahim were satisfied as the falcon zipped towards Alfheim, they left the inn and bought the necessities before going to Snowhaven. Selena pulled out the vials with what little remained of Silver's stamina potion and agreed to save them for Thor and Doragon if they needed the extra vigor.

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