Chapter 2: A Dragon's Secret

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General Araneus fumed. "As you're well aware, I have a warrant for the former captain's arrest, and you're telling me you allowed him to waltz in here—"

"Believe me, what he brought to my attention cleared him of all charges."

"Nothing in this world would ever clear that man for what he's done." Araneus' fists shook at his side as it took every ounce of energy to keep from lashing out at his grandfather for his insurrection. "How dare you question my authority and decide this behind my back?" When Vidar still wouldn't answer, the general headed towards the door. "When Liongod arrives, I will dismiss him immediately."

Vidar's lips curled into a sneer. "She," he corrected, leaving the general at a loss. "You mean, 'she.'"

"I'm not following you."

His grandfather held up the journal again. "Read it."

He glared at Vidar for another moment before finally snatching the journal. Araneus opened the first page through clenched teeth, but his expression changed as he shuffled through the entries. Vidar scoffed when Araneus' eyes widened, and his mouth trembled. After he finished, General Araneus tossed it on Vidar's desk and looked away after grabbing his chin, falling deep in thought. As Vidar had expected, the general's face burned with rage, but all Araneus could say was, "Where did Ashur find this?"

Vidar squinted at him, confused and bewildered. "I was expecting more of a reaction from you, my boy, upon discovering this dragon's secret. Aren't you disgusted that one of your soldiers is a young woman disguised as a gentleman? Not only that, but she is the result of illegal magic."

Araneus returned his grandfather's gaze and held his head high. "It doesn't matter if she's an Orc; she is the Crown Princess. All I care about is that a dragon chose her, and they decided to serve Her Imperial Majesty."

"She is the abomination of illegal magic," Vidar repeated; he grabbed the journal and waved it in front of Araneus' face. "I had an odd feeling about this 'Andric Liongod' fellow when she and that dragon of hers showed up unannounced. Remember Flying Officers Gromm and Beck Steelmane and their mission?"

"No need to remind me—"

Vidar ignored him. "We wasted our time, money, and resources in rescuing and harboring the dead child of the Empress."

"Watch your tongue. Liongod is the Crown Princess—how dare you speak ill of the imperial family?"

"Oh, may the Divines strike me down, then." Araneus cringed when Vidar began mocking their oath. "We have laws and rules for a reason, and this child has broken enough to be sent to the gallows a hundred times over."

"Who are you to pass judgment over the imperial family, not to mention a Divinity Dragon? For Divine's sake, Grandfather, think about this for a moment—"

Yet, Vidar continued spewing his nonsense that made Araneus want to vomit. He grabbed his chin and began pacing about his office, ignoring his grandson's disapproving glances. "The Emperor is still alive and hiding somewhere within the Empire. I knew it, and we will find him and condemn him for his crimes. Then, I will prepare a trial for the Empress and Admiral Altessa. Yes, Selena Liongod will be tried for her crimes, and I will send them all to the gallows."

"I will not hear anymore of this," General Araneus sternly interrupted, "and I will see to it that she and Thor remain in our ranks. We can use their abilities; they helped us win the Battle of Alfheim. They're heroes."

"She's a woman and a disgrace—Liongod will never be worth anything."

Araneus snarled as he had enough of Vidar's sexist remarks. "Oh, I beg to differ. I see that she and Thor are enough to frighten you and the Council." It was time for Vidar to growl. "I will fight for Liongod during the trial. If we kill her now, what will happen to Thor? He and Selena are Divinity Dragons; we couldn't be luckier than having them in our ranks. If you sentence them, the entire Force will turn against the Council."

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