chapter 16

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Nandini stared at old man who was jumping in excitement.

N:- I feel you are very strong master but why are you staying in warrior high.

Mr patil:- it's a long story, but your strength is not enough to know. I will teach you for 3 months, because I have to go back, I will leave you enough materials to learn.

N:-you will leave after 3 months, but why(with sad face).

Mr patil:- those things you shouldn't know now nandini, I will tell you when you are strong.From tomorrow you don't have to attend class, come to my personal pill room , you can learn from me directly. Your cultivation level is low now, you should put more effort, I will give you pill to increase your aptitude.

N:-old man I think I don't want any pill, I only cultivated for 2 months to reach level 8.

Mr patil:- what only 2months, before you didn't cultivate ( with shock). Your  speed is ok, but you are four years late in your cultivation, you have to work hard to keep up with your peers. Now you can go, tomorrow at sharp 9 you have to be in my pill room, this is your token as my discipline you can enter and exit my pill room.

Saying this nandu' s master went away.
Nandini went out of class to see navya waiting for her.

Nav:- hey nandu how is your first day of class.

Nan:-it's good, from tomorrow I don't have attended classes with everyone.

Nav:-oh really but why. (Confused ).

Nan:-Mr patil as taken me as his personal discipline.

Navya was taken aback with shock.

Nav:- omg seriously, you know Mr patil is very mysterious and powerful person in entire warrior high, he was guest teacher of warrior high, no one knows his pill mastery level. He came to warrior high one year back, even dean of warrior high is respectful to him, so many people with high pill master talent wanted to be his discipline's but they are rejected mercilessly, even our deans daughter was rejected by him. You are really lucky.

Nan:- luck(chuckling) {(in mind)I don't know who is lucky, I may sound arrogant but I have capital to be arrogant with my talent}. Ok lets leave.

Saying nandini pulled navya to walk.

Nav:-we will go to canteen my friends will be waiting for me their, I will introduce you to them.

In canteen
We can see three people 2 boys and a girl with extraordinary temperament are sitting and waiting for someone.

Boy2:- yaar where is navya, am getting hungry.

Girl:- Arya seriously you just had breakfast one hour back, such a bhukkhad are you.

Boy2:- riddi don't eye my food habbits, what if I get bad stomach by your bad eye means. Food is my life(with dreamy look)

Boy1:- Arya can you please stop showing your love to food and stop that dreamy look am getting goosebumps.

Boy2:- sid you too, where is my bestee navya, only she can understand my love for food.

So these three people are Arya, riddima and sid. As soon Arya finished talking they heard navya's voice.

Nav:- chee Arya please i dont want to understand your love for food, last time i wanted cook food for you, but to get you satisfied I cooked whole day, my body still pained like anything.

Arya:- navy you too, ok am cursing you today you will get bhukkhad husband like me.(with funny smile).

Nav:- take back your curse, no way am getting married to a bhukkhad husband.

Everyone started giggling hearing her.
Soon everyone noticed nandini.

Riddi:- who is she navu.

Nav:-  so guys this nandu my roomate and my friend.

Everyone looked nandini curiously because to become navya's friend is big task, she didn't make friends casually.

Riddi:- hello nandu if you are navya's friend means our friend also, come sit with us.

Nandu gave cute smile to riddi, sid and Arya. Everyone smitten by her cute look.

Arya:- so Ms nandu how you become friend of this she devil.

Nan:- because if she was she devil am demon queen.

Everyone was surprised by her answer.
Sid looked at her with interest.

Sid:- miss nandini i have some questions can i ask you.

Nandu nodded at him.

Sid:- if your friends and family both are in danger you can save only one of them, whom you will save.

Nan:-interesting question, I will save my family (Sid look turned cold) and I will fight against danger with my friends, I want to save my family because they gave this life to me, but I will never abandon my friends because they are life to me. (With smile).

Everyone stunned hearing her sentence.

Sid:- so miss nandini are you ready to join fantastic 4 and make it fantastic 5.
(With smile)

Nan:- yes am.

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