Chapter 6

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At nandini's pavilion
Nandini was reading book, she heard a commotion outside. She got up and went outside. She saw her maid riya is got slapped by other maid, she also saw a girl overly dressed happily watching the show. Nandini went to maid and slapped her hardly.

N:-how dare you to slap my maid.

Girl:-nandini i only asked her to slap, your maid riya is getting arrogant day by day, she dared to stop me from entering your chambers.

Nandini turned to girl and said.

N:-now who the hell are you lady.

Girl:-nandu am inaya, you forgotten me, oh I know you got your intelligence back.
We were best friends dear.

N:-oh inaya,grand daughter of head butler.

Inaya Gritted her teeth, because she hate hearing she was butler grand daughter.

In:-yes nandu, let me punish this maid, she dared to stop me.

N:-riya slap this girl inaya for me.

Riya looked at nandini with shocked face, inaya glared at nandini. Riya slowly walked to inaya and started slapping her.
Inaya tried to resist but nandini asked her gaurd to seal inaya cultivation.

N:-you are just a butler's grand daughter, how dare you slap this young miss personal maid and you want to enter my chamber without my permission, I doubt you are young miss or me. You are just a servants grand daughter so be in limits, now apologize to riya and get out from here.

Inaya glared at nandini with harted. She mumbled sorry to riya and went away.

In(in mind) :-nandini I will remember this insult, I will skin you alive b*tch.

Nandini went to her chamber with riya and Applied cream to riya's cheek.

N:-you are my personal maid riya, you don't have to tolerate this, just slap that girl inaya, you have to be daring if you want to follow me in future, I don't need crowds as my servants. Never bow to anyone except your master, never listen to anyone's order other than me.

Ri:-ok young miss, I take a oath on gods that I will never betray you and will be always loyal to you.

As soon as she finished, a light came from sky and entered her body.
Nandini was astonished seeing that.
She knows if anyone break God's oath means they will die miserably. But she never excepted this from riya.

N:-now rest for sometime, tell gaurds to not allow anyone, am going to cultivate now.

R:-ok young miss.

N:-just call me nandu when we are alone.

Riya was scared but nandini forcefully made her call nandu.

Nandini went to cultivation room, she sat in lotus position and started cultivating.
She slowly guided small and large orbs to their respective energy chamber's through energy vessels. After a very long time she opened her eyes.

N:-wow I only cultivated for few hours I already reached level one. I feel am full of energy, this spiritual and magic power is amazing.

Nandini sat up and went to her room, riya arranged her food. Nandini started eating with relish, she pulled riya to eat with her. After that nandini went to bed.
She slowly closed her eyes, she felt her surroundings change, she can feel fresh air, a vast land and a spring of water.
She fet a poke on her legs and saw a little snow ball like creature.

Snow ball:- master I waited for you for a long time at last you came.

N:-master little snow ball who are you where am I, is it dream (pinching herself but yelped in pain ) its real what is this place.

Snow ball:- master this is space inside heavenly sky bracelet, you entered soul contract with me when you try to destroy your soul, I saved your soul from completely destroying, you soul broken into two and entered into two body's, one inside you on earth and another one inside this body, after bomb blast in earth and I took your soul to this body, now your soul is complete.

N:-when did I destroy my soul, I belong to this world, why I can't remember anything.

Snow ball:-because your soul is injured, you can't remember anything, first you have to heal your soul then you will remember everything.

N:-you can tell me what happened to me.

Snow ball:-I also don't know anything, I only know I contracted your soul after you tried to explod your soul.

N:-may be that strange dreams is about my past I think, leave it explain about this space.

Snow ball:- master this space is heavenly sky space, you are owner of this space, you can plant medicine herbs here, here medicine herbs mature 10 times fast than
Outside, as your cultivation increase's they matures fast. This space upgrade's as your cultivation increases. Here Time ratio 1:3 , 1 day outside equal's to three days inside, as your cultivation increase's Time ratio also increase' magic and spiritual energy is abundant, you can cultivate here, now you entered with your consciousness, after you reached mage /spiritual general realm you can enter with your body, after you reached martial king level, you can take others inside. We have library here, which contains books about pill refining, weapon making, inscription, beast taming,arrays. Library has 10 levels in First level you will get knowledge about pill making, you will get pill formula's of many ancient pills.

N:-is their any master's of this space before me.

Snow ball:-I don't know master, I forgetten everything, as this space upgrade's I will remember everything.
All I know is I came from divine realm.

N:-divine realm, what's that place.

Snow:-master cultivation world is divided into three realms lower, middle and higher/divine realm. Now we are living in lower realm, this place is restricted to only god level cultivation.

N:- God level is not last level (shocked).

Snow:-yes master it's only beginning/ low level in divine realm, I also forgotten so many things, I will explain everything to you after sometime.

N:- interesting, this is very interesting, I want stand on top of divine realm.(smirking).

Snow:-you will master, because you are master of heavenly sky bracelet.

N:-ok snow ball what creature are you, what's your name.

Snow:-master am not creature am guardian spirit of heavenly sky bracelet,
Heavenly sky bracelet is divine level Spacial weapon, I don't know it's full uses. After weapon's entered god level they will have their own spirit, I don't remember my name master, please give me a name.

N:-ok from today you are called little snow.

Little Snow jumped in happiness.

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