Chapter 6 A Damosel's Dance

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The archer showed Rosaline everything in her kingdom—she felt as though he had been here his whole life, he was more familiar with it than herself. Yet, Rosaline suspected there was more to the archer than what met the eye.

They strolled through the marketplace, past the school and library, the forge, the harbor, and even the church where Abbot Giacomo once preached. They toured the entire kingdom until sunset.

"You must be tired," the archer said, noticing it had gotten late. "Come, I will take you back. The matron at the inn serves a delicious roast lamb and mead at night." Smiling gratefully, Rosaline followed him.

"You must've lived here your whole life to know my kingdom so well," she stated.

"Only a month, Princess." Rosaline felt surprised.

"You are not one of my subjects, only a traveler?" The archer studied her.

"I am. But I hope to find a reason to keep me in Lapulisto." His eyes lit up with a yearning as he met hers and Rosaline felt her heart race.

"I hope you stay as well," she said, unaware that her hand slipped into his. Only when he squeezed it gently did she realize and blush, pulling it away.

The inn was in full swing with a merry dance, the patrons clinking their ale mugs while lithe couples twirled and clapped to the strain of a minstrel's fiddle. The archer smiled.

"Dance with me," he invited Rosaline, and beaming, she took his hand and swayed with him, their closeness leaving her breathless. When they had exhausted their feet, they took their seats to a hearty but simple supper.

"I am honored to have danced with the princess herself," the archer said in a soft voice while they ate. Rosaline glanced at him with longing.

"And I with my rescuer."

"Tomorrow you may well be dancing with your betrothed." The archer sounded wistful and Rosaline wondered if the thought made him sad as her.

"Yes... I shall miss your company." Their hands met on the table. Rosaline's soul felt drawn to him; she did not regard lightly the concept of marriage, she longed for a partner to rule beside her, someone she could lean on for guidance and support, someone to share her troubles and joys. A man who respected her without discrediting her. Should love come with that blessing, she would have been utterly grateful to heaven for the rest of her life.

Could that man be the archer?

"You've done much for me and shown me more of my kingdom in one day than I have read in its history books my entire existence," she continued. "Besides saving my life. Thank you."

"I am humbled, Princess. My life belongs to you, should you require my service," the archer replied. Swept away by his luminescent eyes in the firelight, Rosaline leaned forward, her lips pressing his. Shocked by her own audacity, she almost pulled back—but the archer wrapped his hand around her waist and kissed her deeply, stirring her soul. Rosaline would have stayed that way for an eternity but knew she had to return home. Reluctantly, she asked him to take her back.

"But your safety, Princess." The archer looked worried as they arrived at the castle gates.

"My personal guard will escort me," Rosaline assured him, pointing to four guards in the distance. She looked longingly at him.

"Will you not share your name?" She pleaded. The archer cupped her face lovingly.

"Tomorrow. I must investigate those mercenaries first. Then I shall come and reveal myself at your ball."

"You will come?" Rosaline asked hopefully. He kissed her tenderly once more.

"I promise."


The Hand of the Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें