Chapter 4 The Archer of Arcacia

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"Spread out and find the attacker!" One of the men yelled, pulling out a dagger. But before they could blink, arrows shot one after the other through the trees and wounded all of them fatally. Only one man was left, looking around with wild eyes. Rosaline backed away from him, shaking.

"Show yourself!" He screeched, but another arrow shot out and embedded in his thigh. He fell to the ground howling in pain. Suddenly a figure clad in a blood-red leather tunic, cape, and cavalier hat with a white feather appeared on horseback, holding a bow and arrow aimed directly at the last mercenary.

"Who sent you?" He demanded in a voice that could strike fear in the wickedest soul. The mercenary scorned him.

"I'd rot in my grave before I betray my master!" He roared. His breath was cut off as the archer shot him dead in the chest, blood squirting out. Rosaline gasped and flinched, feeling nauseated. She suddenly collapsed, making the archer turn to her.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly, rushing to her side on his knees. Rosaline shook her head, hyperventilating. She looked up to find a beautiful pair of green eyes embedded in a chiseled face and her heart fluttered.

"I need—to catch—my breath."

"It's not safe here, I must get you away." Without warning, the archer swept her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing. She gasped but he held her securely.

"Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm," he assured her. He gently put her on his own horse. His touch on her body made her cheeks warm.

"Who are you? You saved my l-life. I owe you a great d-debt," she stammered out shakily. The archer bowed his head.

"I accept your gratitude, Princess, but my identity will remain my own for now," he said and turned to the dead body of the mercenary. Rosaline was surprised he knew who she was but did not question him. He bent down and pulled something from the mercenary's tunic—a badge with an emblem of an 'R' with a blade through it. He scrutinized it for a moment, then tucked it away in his sleeve, out of Rosaline's sight.

"You shouldn't be here. There may be more renegades. It is not safe for you here, neither is your castle. Not at the moment." He uttered the last bit quietly.

"What do you mean?" Rosaline asked at once. The archer avoided her eyes.

"These mercenaries knew where to find you. You were followed. Which means someone within your castle is after you." Rosaline covered her mouth in shock. On top of everything else, there was a traitor in her midst?

"I will take you to the village for now. My priority is your safety." The archer tied Jewel's horse to his reins. Then he mounted his horse in front of Rosaline and charged his horse forward. Rosaline had so many questions, she didn't know where to begin. But at least she was grateful to the archer of Arcacia Woods who saved her life.


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