Part 58

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"I sort of um, like you"

peters pov

I look at Ella. She likes me!? "I-" She stands up. " I'm sorry" wait what " I s-shouldnt have said that" I stand up to. "Ella," "No I'm so so sorry-" I don't know what happened but I kiss her. I. Kissed. Her?! My best friend. Ella's!?  And I didn't care. She stares at me with a red face. I laugh at her reaction. "Geuss that um means you like me to?" She says smileing. "I actually think I've liked you for a while but it didn't really seem like the right time to try anything" I say slowly. Ella goes more red " Oh God your right! This was a stupid time to say something like this" I laugh at her, dragging her to sit next to me. "I think I liked you for a while to" she says quietly. I smile at her

Suddenly the door swings open. All the avengers rush in. "Umm guys what-" I'm cut off by everyone yelling different things. Ella grabs my arm tightly. "Okay everyone SHUT UP!" I yell " one at a time please" I say nicely. "Um well we just wanted to say that it was not what you may think" Tony starts off with saying. Ella glares slightly at him. I laugh slightly and kiss her hand

Ella pov

Woah!? He kissed my hand. He KISSED my hand. "Imma be honest I wasn't listening so can u just give me the nutshell version on why he's here" I say playing with Peter's rings. I smile. I listen in this time as they explain everything. 

(So im like to lazy to write everything so just remember lol)

"So now what? You got your anger out so what do we do with him" I say. Thankfully Peter cotton ons to what I'm trying to say. "I do not want him here" Peter says looking at them. "Trust me no one does" Clint says. "So what do we do?" I ask, nearly to scared for an answer "Well..."

Comment what you think should happen next!

Love you all so much!

Remember to drink and eat everyday ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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