Part 20. 2nd introductions

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Ella pov
As soon as Tony left the building Dan turned to me. You freaked out  he says to me slowly. My body froze.
You little bitch!. He says slapping me across the face. DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED IF HE SAW YOU. YOU SPOILY BRAT!! He continues to yell till he's nearly out of breathe.
⚠️Abuse warning ⚠️
He took a swing of his beer and punched me in the face. That's going to leave a mark. I think. He continues to kick me in the stomach till I hear a crack and scream out in pain. Bad idea Ella.
Why did you scream you deserve this you brat. Your ugly kick stupid slap I don't even know why I put up with you. He spat venom dropping with every word. He walks away into his man cave leaving me on the floor bleeding and crying.
⚠️ abuse finished. Thank god⚠️
Tomorrow is going to be fun. I walk. Well crawl over to my door helping me stand up. I fall onto my bed. Let's hope tomorrow is better.

The next day

Ella pov
I woke up to my head hurting, a big brusce on my face and my rib hurting every time I breathe.
Today is going to be fun. I say getting up. I put on some jeans, a red top and a jumper and walked outside to find Happy waiting for me. "Hey Happy" I say getting in. Struggling but I say down.  "You okay Ella" He asks. I give me a small yes and we drive off.

I get to SI and I walk in. "Hey Ella" Amelia says. She super sweet she works at the cafe. "Hi Amelia where's Sophia?" I ask. "Oh you know her. Give her 20 seconds and she will be here" she says with a laugh. We say bye and I head up to the lift. I mean against the wall nothing my lip to stop myself from crying. It hurt so damn much.
Miss Miller it appeared you have a broken rib do you want me to ask Tony and Bruce to have a look. I stop. "NO NO its all good F.R.I.D.A.Y." I say hoping he won't the door opens and I see the avengers looking at me. I freeze. The world starts to go fuzzy as Tony walks up to me I ignore it and smile. He pits a hand on my shoulder and I flinch. No one saw tho. This is going to be a long day

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