Part 10.

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Ella pov
I had just finished another day at school. Mj, Peter,Ned and I hung out all lunch. They are nice people and that's coming from someone who hates everyone. I may have a small problem of pushing people away when I get close to them. It's just after with everything going on. I run out if class hoping to escape my bully Flash.
Flash runs the school his dad being princable and everything. I nearly make it out when I get pulled down and back into a wall by someone grabbing my bag.

⚠️ This chapter has some bullying and violence to us in it please don't read if you don't want to when ⚠️

Think you could escape Ella. The voice I knew to well said.
Kind off. I reply to flash now knowing it was not a smart idea. He slaps me across the face. And here I was thinking I could let you go today. Maybe after some fun. He says getting his two friends to hold me to the wall as he slaps my face making a smallish bruise on my face. His friends let go and I fall to the ground holding my face. Flash comes up and starts kicking me in the face, chest and stomach. Let's go guys. Think she had her fun for today. With that they leave, me still on the ground crying and holding my nose. I think it's broken I stand up and start walking home. Dan shouldn't be home till tomorrow so I told my time.
⚠️All done my lovely people ⚠️
I get home blood over my cloth and my nose still hurting like hell. I take my phone and text the group chat to find someone else has been added.

Hey guys who's this??🤔

This is our friend who hasn't got a nick name yet so....

Ohhhh I love you so much so ??? What can I know about you

Is this kid serious why would I tell your online friend anything!

Stupid Cupid
Hey don't be mean. She's really nice grumpy pants. He likes iron I guess and he's a man

Man ha😂 more like kid

Oh my god crusty iPad kid!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 well I am going to name you iron can after the mighty hero Iron man.😊

Iron can
You like the avengers kid?

Yes so anyway Spidey how do to see if your nose is broken?

And why would you need to know this Ella. Did someone do this too you who am I killing.

Spidey relax you don't need to kill anyone.

Iron can
You should see her face she looks so mad. Shit she looking she running toward me
Hdhbd diddsl.d.jd dhhsbd

He's not okay is he?!😂
Spidey please don't kill him. You can hurt him but don't kill him also hello my little NOSE PROBLEM WONT HEAL ITS SELF.

Sorry I will add someone who will know what to do


Sorry Wrong Number - Avengers x fem readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt