Part 28. sad chapter. sorry.

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I woke up some time later because the sun was starting to rise. Shit. I thought. Dan is going to kill me. I rush out before leaving a note. Running all the way hone. It wasn't far but I already knew I was dead meat. I see a black car in our drive way. My eyes widen in horror. MIKRS HERE. I hope in my window hoping to sneak in when I see both Dan and Mike sitting in my room with a ugly smirk. "Well where have you been miss Ella?" He says with fake concern. "At the internship" I whisper looking down. "Well I'm just glad your home safe sweetheart" Mike says lifting up my face with a strong grip. He smirks. " not yet Mike!" Dan tells "let's have some fun"

⚠️Abuse warning, blood and rape⚠️

Dan says getting a clean punch to my gut causing me to fall down banging my head on the side of my bed. Blood slowly starts to flood out. Mike takes a swing of a empty beer bottle and smashes it on my shoulder. He grabs my face and kisses me going down my neck. "Mike my god not know I want some fun to." Dan says smirking. "Srip" is all he says. I freeze. "Wh wha What??!!" I manage to get out. He groans nodding to Mike.

He walks over and starts to I'm bottom my top I try to push him away but I get a punch to the face instead. I'm left in my bra and underwear when I stand up again. Mike is basically fucking me with his eyes. I try to grab my clothes when Dan grabs my arm. " Wouldn't do that sweetheart." He says as he walks out coming back with a whip and lemon sauce. He pours it on me. It stings. I scream. Mike kisses me more harshly.
I felt like a doll. Not being able to do anything.

⚠️abuse blood and rape over⚠️

They left soon after. Mike leaving with a smile on his face like he always did. Me lying on the floor bearly being able to move and Dan saying he's going on a business trip and won't be home will Monday nest week. I decide it's no use getting up and sleep on the floor. I get like 1 hour but tats still sleep.
1 hour sleep, no food that day and just had more trauma than ever happen in an hour than some ones whole life. Tomorrow is going to be fun.

Sorry Wrong Number - Avengers x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora