Part 48. surprise I geuss

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Wanda pov
She was raped. Ella, the sweet kind Ella was raped. I walk out of her room in shock. "Wanda are you alright?" Bruce asked in a small voice. I snap out of my daydream and see my powers made everything float. "Sorry" I mutter. "Did you see or know what was going on?" Clint asked. "I saw it." I say sitting down. That got their attention. "I saw everything" I say sighing. "WHAT has he done to hurt out Lady Ella!" Thor says loudly. "Loki" I say giving him access to my mind. I let him see.

Loki pov ( ya didn't see that coming)
I shouldn't care about a tiny misgardain girl,but I do anyway and after seeing her screaming from a nightmare and flinching away then getting told she gets raped I couldn't pass up the opatunity to look inside Wandas mind. It was horrid. The way he touched her. Her silent cries. The pain she felt. "Did you know she cut herself?" I question as I  sit down. "What no she didn't" Wanda said. I just nod. They look confused. "I didn't see that!" Wanda says "Well if you were me you would know what it looks like! Ever wounded why she wears long sleeves even when it's like 30 degrees out!? Or that she never eats with us and the last time she did she vomited?!"

I say sitting down on the ground. They all looked shocked. "You did to?" My brother asked sadly. I stand up walking away. "Well I for one want to know if I'm right!" I say Nat stands up to. "And Peter won't gives as the answers right now but I am!" She says as we walk out. The other join us to.

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