Part 30. Help

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Ella pov
Dan came home today for a little bit to see how I was going. And by that I mean yell at me saying I'm ugly and fat and the reason my parents are dead. Oh and hitting me in the arm with a beer bottle. I ran to Peter's house after he left. Just made it too.
"Help" I manage to crock out when I got to Peter's. "What the hell!?" He says pulling me in letting me lean on him. "Don't ask just help me" I say sitting on the bathroom sink. "Fine" He gets to work on my arm. Mumbling some thing under his breathe as well. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come I ju-" Peter hugged me. I was suprised to least say. "Wanna tell me what happened?" He said getting the first aid kit "Dan" I say dropping my head. I let Peter work on my arm in complete silence.

Peter pov
I hear a bang on my door to find Ella standing there. She wa bleeding. Like a lot. "Help" she managed to crock out. "What the hell!?" I says pulling her letting her lean on me "Don't ask just help me" she says sitting on the bathroom sink. "Fine" I say getting to work on her arm. I mumble some not very nice things under my breathe as well. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come I ju-" I hugged her. She was suprised to least say. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

I said getting the first aid kit "Dan" she says dropping her head. She let's me work on her arm in comfulable silence. I place her on the couch after I was done. She suddenly grabs her phone and turns it on. "I have people who are problay worried about me" she says laughing. I join into. "You should add me too" I say jokingly. "Okay!" She says. My phone bings.

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