Part 1. The text

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It's was Thursday afternoon I had one more period left till I have to go home. It's not that I hate being home it's just my foster dad Dan. My foster mum Jill is never home. Dan was drunk last night so he got physical again. It happened often. I9 don't blame him tho. He still feeds me sometimes and puts a roof over my head. He only hits me when he's angry or I did something wrong. I have a small slit on my lip from last night's episode. No one know tho. Who can I tell I have 1/3 friends at school who don't need to know this stuff to put on top of their own problems. Plus I couldn't do that to Dan and Jill. They said they where family friends with my parent for a long time and putting them jail would just suck and it's not that bad I mean sure he broke my nose once or twice butbi did borrow some money from them so that's on me. Plus I think I magical powers. I can walk in thin air but making little plates come from under my feet. Not very well but sometimes I can. I even have a little spy costume I wear if I go out helping people or practice using my powers.

What ever colour hair you want you can also change the out for but it's pink bc it's the colour if your powers but it can also change

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

What ever colour hair you want you can also change the out for but it's pink bc it's the colour if your powers but it can also change.
The bell rings and I go to get home before 10 past 3. I have to run because my house us about a 15 minute walk from my school. I run and run and run. I get home and look at the time...

Sorry Wrong Number - Avengers x fem readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin