Part 22. Nope

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Tony pov
As me Ella and Bruce walk down to the lab I notice Ella looking a bit pale. I was about to ask if she was okay when she stops. I stop along with Bruce. "Are you okay Ella!?" I ask. She nods but i don't start walking and Bruce keeps walking towards as. Then Ella drops to the floor. I grab her just before she hits the ground."Ella!" I yell. "Shit" I say. I lift her up and run to a medbay. Bruce us already ahead me by a bit getting the door unlocked. I walking into the lounge to then see all the avengers faces in shock. 

"What happened" "Is she okay"  they all ask swarming around me. "Okay everyone sit back down we need to help her." Bruce says turning slightly green. That shut everyone up. We take her to the madbay and get F.R.I.D.A.Y to start a body scan. Now we wait.

Ella pov
I slowly wake up with a pounding head ache. "Where the hell am I?" I say sitting up only to be pushed back down by a very worried Bruce. Oh shit the internship. "Nope sit back down you have a broken rib and had internal bleeding." He stats looking at me. "Care to explain Ella" A new voice comes in. I turn to find the avengers looking at me. Half of them nearly asleep. Tony was the one that talked. " I'm yes but can I first get some new clothes?" I say. They not giving me some pants and top. This will give me time to think. I get changed but don't open the door.
I get my phone.

Hey guys I need your help with something!!

Sorry Wrong Number - Avengers x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now