Part 2. Your late

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3.12, 3.12
I am late. I am going to be punished again. I stand at the door to scared to go inside. I'm about to go inside when the door busted open. I see Dan with a beer bottle in his hand. OH NO. Is all I could think before getting yanked in by Dan.

You think you can walk in when ever you feel like it. He tells throwing the beer bottle at me. I move just before I could hit me but some glass still gets on my hands.
I'm so so sorry I didn't mea- he pushed me to ground by a strong punch to my face. Well that's going to bruise tomorrow. Im already nearly out of concerer. He continues to hit me to the ground. You bitch thinking I can just let thus go! He starts kicking me in stomach and I start to fast a liquid filling my mouth. It's blood. I spit it out. GET OUT OF MY FACE!" He screams at me.

I stand up fast. Falling a couple of times before flopping on my bed. I needed to get out but who could I tell. What about Mj. She got a new phone but I have her new number. But I couldn't. Oh but I do need to I'm throwing up blood my eye is pounding and I think I have 5 cuts on my stance. I put her number in my phone. I hope I don't regret this. Let's do this.
Some bad stuff about killing yourself. You are amazing and perfect being you
Mj I need to get out of my house. Please I can't take it I wanna die and I can tell you everything. But I need to get out of this place now. Please Mj I need you know.

Sorry Wrong Number - Avengers x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora