Part 51.

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Ella pov

Your the avengers

We wanted to tell you

We really did but we thought you wouldn't understand


Get. In. Here. Now

I put my phone away. They lied to me. They all did. "You lied to me." I say. "I trusted you guys! I told you SHIT NO ONE KNEW AND YOU fucking lied to me" I yell at them all. Captain was going to say something but I got in first. "If you say language one more fuckin time I will hit you" I say with no emotion. He closes his mouth. Tony chuckles. I walk over to him. "You think this is funny Anthony?" I say smirking at his face when I said his real name. "How could you lie to me and Peter!?" I say looking over at Peter who had a new face. He knew.

"You... you even lied to me" I scoff packing up my stuff. "And where do you think your going?" Bruce asks. I try to focus on something as the world spins a bit. "Far away from you." I say, venom dropping with every word. "Ella please we are sorry and they where going to tell soon" Peter says walking closer. I throw my bag to the ground. I'm crying at this point. "When, WHEN Peter. Before or after you told them everything about what I like, HUH or after you told them I was raped or before I EMBAREST MYSELF EVEN MORE." I say just sobing now for all I care. "Is this why I got the internship?, it is! And here I was I had people who cared about me. Something like a fuckin family"

I whisper the last part to myself as I walk over to the door. I hadn't looked up since Peter. The door wouldn't open. "Open. The. Door" I say not looking. "Um Lady Ella?" Thor says.  "No OPEN THE DAMN door" I stop as I see everything in my room lift up. I also see everyone serpunded with knifes. "Okay cut it out Wanda it's not funny" I say laughing slightly. She gulps "This um isn't me Ella" she says.


Sorry Wrong Number - Avengers x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now