Chapter 3

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Anastasia's POV:

My breath feels heavy as it exits my body in a deep breath. I can't believe I actually decided to leave Manhattan and return to the place I swore I would never go back to. Houston, Texas. I guess I've always had a thing for big cities and it started with my mom. I make my way around the airport, asking for help along the way (which I never got) and find the baggage claim.
I reach out for my bag but an arm catches it slightly faster. "Y'know I didn't believe it when Grace said you were coming back but I guess anything is possible." A charming smile is casted down towards me by a frame of 6'1 with unnaturally white teeth and amber eyes complimented by tan skin. "Miles, give me my bag." I roll my eyes, not wanting to play any of his games. He snickers and pushes my teal bag towards me. "So, you're the cavalry?" I roll my eyes yet again and walk away from Miles like I'm running from the plague. "Hey, why are you being so cold? Fo' the record Grace sent me to pick you up in the first place." I stop dead in my tracks. Who does he think he is?
"Listen" I say as I turn to him. "I don't care what my Aunt Grace told you, you mean nothing to me and it was stupid of you to even consider picking me up." He's delusional. I know that it hurts him as he straightens his posture and coughs to keep his composure. That's Miles all about playing tough and keeping my up appearances. He inches closer and I back up. That hurt him too. "And you listen here." He sasses back. "How are you supposed to get to her house without a ride?" I roll my eyes. Again. count that as number three.

"I can call a taxi, we are in Houston." "Ana you're joking. Grace lives in the country that's about four hours from here." I sinisterly smile at him. "Well then, I guess I should get a move on." His eyes fill with worry. "Ana," he whispers. "You can't afford that much for a taxi no one can." I grew irritated at this statement. "And how the fuck would you know what I can and can't afford? You haven't called me since my mom died!" Miles stares in disbelief. Probably in shock I just cursed at him. The golden boy, oh how dare I. "Alright c'mon darlin stop it. you sound crazy! Just calm down and let me give you a damn ride!" I scoff at his arrogance. The only reason why he wants me to get in his car is so that he keeps up appearances with my aunt and possibly seduce me back into his arms.
No way will I give him the satisfaction and let him think I want him back. I step out of the airport and open my phone to call a taxi. "Ana, you can't just-" I cut him off when I place a finger to shush him. The operator answers the phone cordially. "Hello this is Houston VIP taxi, how may I help you?" "Ah yes my name is Anastasia and I'm calling for a taxi at Houston airport, how soon can I get one?" "Ma'am there's a taxi about ten minutes away from you. I can send it to you right now. Is that it ma'am?" "Yes that's it, thank you so much." She hangs up the phone as I smile in victory. I hear Miles sigh beside me.

"Why are you still here? I have a ride?" I throw him a mug and turn away from him, crossing my arms.

"Y'know you could at least let me wait with you." I give him a look that says 'the fuck you mean?' I expectantly get a call from ginger. She swore an oath for some reason to call me as soon as I landed. I answer the phone and give Miles a look.

"Hey ginger!" I answer with my overly happy voice that unfortunately she has deciphered and coded to, 'I am uncomfortable'. "Anastasia, what's wrong? Omg were you seated next to some creep? that's it I'm coming. there's a flight for houston in 2 hours!" I curse my predicament. "No G, I'm fine it was just a pain trying to find my bag. How are you?" "I'm fine but I'm missing my roomie right now." I can see her pout now. She was always very clingy. Suddenly, I hear a honk of a taxi and sprint for it before anyone else takes it. "I'll talk to you later G, my taxi's here!" "Alright bye!" She hangs up.
  the driver whose name I learned was Dimitri, starts to pack my bags into the trunk and opens my door to allow me inside. "Where to madam?" "Just take me to Spring Valley and I'll take it from there." he nods his head as confirmation. I sigh as I realize it's going to be a long night.

Who She Was: A story about a woman who was lost.Where stories live. Discover now