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   Anastasia's POV:
Death. It's natural, and it happens. Just like how a cat can die the same way a star can. But that doesn't mean I have to be ok with it. My mother died when I was 15 and I needed her the most. I'm 23 now and still lost. I loved her with everything I had. Shit, she was the only one I had left. The way she died, it was like she... vanished. One moment she was there and the next she wasn't. I left my home town a few months after. All I can remember is my best friend begging me not to leave. I couldn't stand it, I had to go. Now I'm an empty shell of the old Ana. A cold, hopeless void. Very stark difference compared to the shy, Ana that was a ball of sunshine. Shit who likes being a ball of sunshine. It was exhausting. Now I can barely go a minute at a party or club without wanting to run out and go back home to my cat. Sometimes I wonder if there's something more fore me...

HEY GUYS!! how exciting a prologue!! I hope you're excited as me! I will try to post as often as I can but I will let you guys know if I can't update!
Love you guys!

Who She Was: A story about a woman who was lost.Where stories live. Discover now