Chapter 5

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Anastasia's POV:

Life is funny sometimes. The eager joy of falling in love just to realize they're a complete and total sleeze. I've always been one to think too hard about things. Can you blame me? As soon as I came up stairs, the first thing I did was throw myself on the bed. I'm still there as of right now but, my thoughts are interrupted by a call from an unknown number.
    It's most likely Lucas and I don't feel like answering. Honestly he's still thinking that we're together. I should just put the poor thing out of misery and just break up with him. But I just can't. I know he's a dickhead for cheating on me but we've been together for so long and I'm not sure. I think I'm just comfortable?
     I decide to let it ring to voicemail and get up to shower.


Despite all my training in veterinary school, I don't think anything's prepared me for the scolding I'm about to receive from my aunt. I spent too long in the shower and now I'm late for dinner. As I get dressed in a tank top, flannel shirt and tights, I hear a gentle knock on my door.

"Annie?" It's Lucy, thankfully. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute!"

There's a moment of silence and she doesn't move. I hear her sigh and for a second I thought she was going to say something but she must've disregarded it because I hear her footsteps depart. I shrug my shoulders. Putting on some lip oil, I exit the room, pulling the door behind me, only to run into someone's rock solid chest.

Jesus someone's been working out.

Their arms reach out to catch my waist when I stumble backwards. I grab onto them only to find that it's Ares. No not the god, though he his built like one; this is Calliope's brother.

"A-ares?!" I shove him away and back up, knocking my head into the door "ow". He immediately reaches for me and I can't help but think that I'm such an idiot. I can feel my face warming so much I feel like I'm having a hot flash.

"Shit, Ana are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, what are you?.." I trail off my sentence, as he interrupts me.

"Grace sent me up here, are you sure you're ok? Do you want me to at least check your head?"

"N-no I'm fine", I mutter. I hurriedly walk past him trying my best to get out this situation.

  My entire life Ares has always been like a big brother figure to me. Ever since I met Calliope in preschool he's been protective of me like a sister. Cliche but, all that led to was me developing a delusional crush on the only guy I knew, other than Miles. Though before I left there was, moments I guess you could say that maybe, he saw me as more than a little sister to him? But then again, as I said, I think too hard about things.

    I make my way downstairs, Ares on my tail, and the chatter of everyone fills my ears and I suddenly feel out of place, because as soon as I'm seen everyone goes quiet.

"Well look who decided to join us for dinner?" My aunt loves public embarrassment. I continue down the stairs and sit down at the table. To my dismay, Ares sits right next to me. Right now, I hate dinner.

   "Good evening everyone" I mutter. Everyone responds with a greeting except Calliope. She just stares at me. I look up for just a moment to meet her burning gaze. Let me tell you, you never want to be on Calliope Trenton's bad side, because her glare is the definition of 'if looks could kill.' Honestly, I think it is killing me.

Everyone begins to take out food and I begin putting some food on my plate too, ignoring her. Conversation flutters here and there mostly about Ricky's football aspirations and Ares chiming in here and there. It would be odd for him not to contribute, as he was Quarterback during high school. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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