Chapter 2

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Anastasias POV:

"What? what do you mean come home? You of all people know I can't do that!" I fumble out, shocked at the request. She knows what happened and I can't possibly go back. It hurts too much. "Yes I-I know but we really need your help. And I'm sure you could use a break. I won't even tell Cassie you're in town." I sigh. Her offer isn't that compelling but mom would want me to help. "I gotta go aunty, It's late and I have to get home." I was only half lying. She mutters a good bye and hangs up the phone. I let out a sigh and fall into the chair behind me. How could this happen??


It's 9am and I've decided to take a day off due to the surprising events of last night to say the least. "Hey sugar, want some coffee?!" Says Ginger coming from the kitchen. Ginger doesn't work in the mornings so she decided to stay home after telling her about the surprise phone call. "Sure that'd be great." I muster up a smile so that I don't give off the fact I'm still thinking about my aunt. I still can't believe she needs me to come back home. I mean of course I'll help. Family is family, no excuses. If she needed money she could've asked instead. but knowing my aunt she wouldn't have called for help at all. This must be urgent or something and here I am pouting. I just don't know what I want to do anymore. "Hey. what're you thinking about?" I sigh as I look up at Ginger.
Her blonde hair and freckled face come into view and she returns with two cups. Her piercing blue eyes look at me with concern.

"I don't know G. You know that it's hard enough having to call, much less visit. How am I supposed to buy the plane tickets #1 and #2 how am I supposed to face everyone who I left??"

She sighs and looks at the ground. Ginger is more of a problem solver rather than someone who comforts people but I love how she tries anyways.

"Maybe taking this opportunity to help your family could give you the chance to repair your former relationships? I mean not much can go wrong. You already live in a different state." Ginger wasn't  wrong. Spending some time with my family, especially my cousins, could, maybe not fix things but give us a place to start. With that being said I decided to grab my computer, send an email to Sydney to alert Dr.Gladis, my partner, and I booked the flight. Here I come,  Houston, Texas.

Who She Was: A story about a woman who was lost.Where stories live. Discover now