Chapter 24

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The day at school had been surprisingly smooth for me. I felt relieved that Damien seemed to have finally backed off and that Ethan was here. As I walked into the school, I spotted Ethan and couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness. However, that happiness was short-lived when someone literally growled as I hugged Ethan. I turned around to see Damien, who was clearly not pleased with the display of affection. I rolled my eyes, ignored him, and hooked my arm with Ethan's, walking away from Damien.

Ethan chuckled, sensing the tension, and asked, "What was that all about?"

I let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know. Why do you keep kissing Liam?" I snapped back.

Ethan fell silent at my retort, seemingly taken aback. I regretted my words almost instantly, realizing they might have been too harsh. It wasn't fair to compare his actions with Damien's possessive behavior. I softened my tone and added, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just been a bit tense lately."

He nodded understandingly, not pressing the issue further, and we continued to walk together. The rest of the morning went smoothly, and we found ourselves sitting with Max and Damien at lunch. That's when Olivia made her dramatic entrance into the cafeteria, sobbing loudly and causing heads to turn in her direction.

Max explained the situation, stating that Olivia's boyfriend had broken up with her for a guy on the football team. She had caught them making out and lashed out with homophobic slurs. I couldn't help but feel conflicted about her situation. As much as I wanted to feel sympathy for her, I couldn't ignore the pain she had caused me in the past.

Beside me, Ethan stiffened, asking in a soft voice, "What kind of slurs?"

Max shrugged, admitting that he didn't know the details. I glanced at Ethan, who seemed deep in thought. I nudged him gently, and he looked at me, clearly shaken by the revelation. He hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's just... It's not right, you know? I hate that people can be so hurtful."

I nodded, understanding his sentiment. "Yeah, it's awful. Nobody deserves to be treated that way," I agreed, feeling a surge of empathy for anyone who had experienced discrimination and hate.

Damien, unknowingly drawing circles on the back of my hand, brought my attention back to the present. Even I hadn't noticed his action until Ethan pointed it out. I instinctively pulled my hand away, slightly annoyed with myself for not noticing it sooner. Nevertheless, I didn't let it distract me from the conversation.

We continued talking, sharing stories and laughing, and for a moment, the tension seemed to ease. It was good to have Ethan by my side, but Damien's presence still irritated me. I wanted to move on and be free of his constant hovering. Yet, there was a lingering feeling of uncertainty about where things would go from here.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of my friends, even amidst the drama and tension. I knew I had to confront my feelings and address the complex dynamics surrounding me, but for now, I was content to have my friends beside me, helping me navigate the challenges of high school life.

After school, I received a video call, and my face immediately lit up when I saw Killan's smiling face on the screen. I squealed in delight and greeted him, expressing how much I had missed him.

"Harvey, my beautiful butterfly, I've missed you more," Killan replied, his voice warm and affectionate.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I pouted playfully, asking him why he hadn't been answering my calls. His expression turned somber, and he explained that he had been incredibly busy, but now things were under control.

"I'm sorry for not being there as often as I should, Harvs. You know how crazy things can get on my end," he said with genuine remorse in his eyes.

I nodded understandingly, though a part of me still longed for more frequent communication with him. Finding a quiet spot under a tree, I settled down, waiting for Ethan to join me.

"So, uh, I'm turning twenty in two weeks," Killan shared, and my face lit up with excitement.

"Twenty? Wow, you're getting old," I teased him playfully, causing him to chuckle.

"Well, actually, since it falls on the same day as my coronation, there's a Mafia ball. Your family is invited, and by default, so are you. I hope you can make it," he said, his voice filled with hope.

My heart fluttered at the invitation, and I nodded eagerly, promising that I would be there to celebrate his special day. But as we continued talking, there was a sudden bang on Killan's end of the call, drawing both our attention.

"Harvey, I'm sorry, but I need to handle something right now. I'll talk to you soon, I promise," he said apologetically.

I smiled understandingly, "Of course, Killan. Take care, and we'll talk later."

As the call ended, Ethan approached, fries in hand, offering me some. I gladly accepted, and we found a comfortable spot to sit and talk, munching on our fries.

"So, what's going on between you and Lee?" I asked Ethan curiously, raising an eyebrow.

Ethan hesitated for a moment before answering, "I don't know, Harvs. I don't think he likes me like that. It's probably just for fun."

I could sense his uncertainty, and a small pang of sympathy washed over me. I encouraged him, "You never know, Ethan. Sometimes things have a way of working out unexpectedly."

He chuckled, "Thanks, Harvs. You're right. I just need to be patient, I guess."

"You know what you need to do, right? Make him jealous. Get a boyfriend or something," I suggested with a playful grin.

Ethan choked on his fries in surprise, his cheeks reddening, "Whoa, slow down! I don't think I'm ready for that just yet."

We laughed together, sharing light-hearted banter and enjoying our time together. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship and camaraderie that had blossomed between us. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow around us, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, having Ethan by my side would make it all a little easier to navigate.

:) Tysm for 20k

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