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Harvey watched intently as her seven older brothers gathered in the living room, their excitement palpable. She stood in the hallway, her small frame barely reaching the doorknob. The noise of their laughter and chatter filled the air, their voices merging into a symphony of youthful energy. They were playing some sort of game, their faces alight with anticipation.

But Harvey was different from her siblings. While her brothers and even her twin sister, Olivia, resembled their mother with their lustrous chestnut hair and warm hazel eyes, Harvey was the spitting image of her father. From her unruly mop of dark curls to her piercing blue eyes, she carried his features like an exact replica.

As the game reached its climax, Harvey's heart skipped a beat when her father's voice echoed through the house. "Boys, it's time to gather in the living room!"

Instantly, her brothers abandoned their play, their footsteps thundering as they rushed to heed their father's call. Excitement filled the air as they raced past Harvey, their presence enveloping her in a whirlwind of commotion.

Left alone in the hallway with Olivia, Harvey smiled mischievously and extended her hand, revealing a small, colorful piece of a puzzle. "Look, Livvy! Let's solve it together."

Olivia glanced at the puzzle piece, her face contorting into a scowl. Without a word, she snatched it from Harvey's hand and flung it across the room, the piece skidding along the wooden floor until it collided with the wall.

Harvey's hazel eyes widened in shock, hurt coursing through her young heart. She reached out to her twin sister, hoping to find solace in their bond. But instead, Olivia pushed her away, her voice laced with venom.

"You always steal everything from me!" Olivia's voice trembled with anger, her eyes brimming with tears. "I wish you were never born!"

Harvey's bottom lip quivered as her sister's words cut deep, tears welling up in her eyes. She never meant to hurt Olivia; she only wanted to share a moment of joy. Desperation engulfed her, and she took a step forward to console her sister.

But Olivia, consumed by rage and desperation, started hitting herself, making it seem as if Harvey were the aggressor. The room filled with her twin's screams, her punches echoing against her own fragile frame.

In that moment of chaos, Harvey's father burst into the room, his face a mix of concern and confusion. His eyes settled on the scene before him: Olivia crying, Harvey reaching out, and the appearance of violence. He misinterpreted what unfolded.

Fury welled up within him, clouding his judgment. He ignored Harvey's pleas and tearful explanations, dismissing her pain and innocence. Instead, he grabbed her trembling hand and dragged her down the stairs to the living room, his voice cold and stern.

"We've had enough of your games, Harvey. We're sending you to a boarding school for spoiled kids. Maybe there, you'll learn some discipline."

Tears streamed down Harvey's cheeks, her sobs echoing through the empty hallways as she realized her pleas had fallen on deaf ears. The weight of injustice settled upon her small shoulders, casting a shadow over her once bright and carefree spirit.

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