Chaoter 16

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As I stood there in my impeccably tailored suit, my gaze fell upon Olivia's brightly colored dress, wrinkling my nose in mild distaste. The clash of vibrant pink amidst a sea of elegant blacks didn't sit well with my sense of style. A subtle cough escaped my lips, an attempt to conceal my opinion on the cheap-looking fabric that adorned her. Despite knowing that her dress likely cost more than my suit, it lacked the sophistication and refinement I valued. I quickly averted my eyes when I caught sight of Harvey descending the stairs.

My knees nearly buckled, and my heart raced as I took in Harvey's appearance. Her every movement mesmerized me, from the gentle sway of her hips to the graceful length of her legs. As she brushed past me, a fleeting touch against my suit, a wave of desire coursed through me. The temptation to keep her in my arms, to savor her presence, was overwhelming, but I resisted. I became a silent observer, tracing her every step.

Soon, Harvey opened the door, and to my surprise—and simmering anger—Killan stood on the other side. My fists clenched at my sides as I watched her wrap her hands around his neck, leaning in for a passionate kiss. A surge of heat mixed with jealousy raced through my veins. Overhearing their flirtatious banter during the car ride only fueled my growing frustration.

Unable to contain my emotions any longer, the words slipped out, laced with irritation. "Cut it out," I growled, the frustration evident in my voice. My anger pulsed beneath the surface, an unwelcome feeling that I struggled to control. Despite the knowledge that I had no claim over Harvey or the right to dictate her interactions with others, my heart stubbornly refused to listen to reason.

As she leaned forward, her hands cupping my face, her whisper caressed my ears. "Play nice, baby boy," she murmured, her words sending a delightful shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but offer her a mischievous smile in response, feeling a surge of affection for the woman who had the power to simultaneously ignite and calm the storm within me.

Killan, unable to resist inserting himself into the conversation, shoved me away with a force that startled me. Harvey, ever the mediator, let out an exasperated sigh and pushed us apart. It was in these moments that I saw her strength and her ability to keep us in check, refusing to let our animosity escalate further.

Killan's laughter filled the air once again, mocking my nickname. "Baby boy? Please tell me he doesn't have a fucking mommy kink," he taunted, the words dripping with disdain. Harvey, never one to back down, met his comment head-on. "Why, are you into it?" she retorted with a smirk, causing a visible blush to stain Killan's cheeks. He quickly deflected, muttering a denial under his breath, though his scowl remained intact.

Our banter was abruptly interrupted by a phone call, pulling Harvey's attention away from our verbal sparring. As she sat up in her seat, a radiant smile graced her face, and her eyes sparkled with joy. It was Liam calling, his name flashing on the screen. She eagerly picked up the call, the excitement evident in her voice as she engaged in a spirited conversation with him.

Watching her, a sense of admiration washed over me, along with an undeniable desire to protect and cherish her. In that moment, I silently vowed to do whatever it took to keep that radiant smile on her face, even if it meant confronting my own inner demons.

As we arrived at our destination, everyone exited the cars, forming a small group. Harvey intertwined her fingers with Killan's, a display of their affection that caused a twinge of jealousy within me. Adrien approached, a smug smirk on his face, as he hooked his arm through mine. I rolled my eyes at his antics, but complied, playing the role of the dutiful companion.

As we settled down for dinner, I observed the palpable tension in the air. It was as if the weight of unspoken words and unresolved issues hung heavy among the family members. Before I could make any sense of the situation, Harvey's father spoke up, directing his attention to her. "Harvey, Olivia has something to say to you," he announced, his voice carrying a mix of hope and trepidation.

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