Chapter 15

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(Warning: Mommy kink? A little bit, very controlled barely there)


I tossed and turned in bed, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts. Damien's presence in the room across from mine made it difficult to find peace. Against my better judgment, I had chosen to stay in the same house despite his sudden appearance. Adrien had revealed Damien's financial struggles and his change of heart to accept help, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it.

The next morning, I groggily made my way downstairs and entered my father's office as he had requested. The tension in the room was palpable as he spoke, his voice filled with a mix of concern and hope. He informed me that Olivia had something to say and that we would all be going out for dinner that night. His words stung, and I couldn't suppress the explosion of anger building within me.

My body shot up from the chair, sending it crashing to the floor behind me. Fury coursed through my veins as I faced my father. "You want me to listen to her? After everything I've been through?" I shouted, my voice trembling with a mix of pain and indignation. "You have no idea what I endured during those years I was away. The abuse, the neglect, and all because of a spoiled brat's lies. I won't give her the satisfaction of my attention, not for a second!"

Without waiting for a response, I stormed out of the room, my mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Later that evening, Adrien and Devin barged into my room, mischief dancing in their eyes. I sighed and flopped onto the bed, knowing they had something up their sleeves. They produced a stunning black dress, shorter than the one before, with a gleam of anticipation in their expressions.

Adrien began his pitch, his words laced with excitement. "Harvey, hear us out. Olivia is bringing her boyfriend to dinner tonight. It's the perfect opportunity for you to make a statement. Show her that you're strong and thriving. And, well, we thought maybe you could bring your own 'eyecandy' to make an impact." His words piqued my interest, although I remained cautious.

A mischievous grin played across Devin's face as he added, "Yeah, Harvey, show her what she's been missing. Give her a taste of regret." I couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm. Maybe, just maybe, I could use this dinner as a chance to assert myself and defy anyone who doubted me.

The thought of inviting Killan immediately came to mind. I reached for my phone and started typing a message, when Adrien's voice cut through the air. "Actually," he began, scowling slightly, "I was thinking you could go with Damien. He's staying here, after all." I recoiled at the suggestion, dismissing it instantly. "No way. Absolutely not," I retorted, trying to hide the uncertainty lurking within me. "He's younger, bratty, and I have no interest in training him to be a decent human being."

Devin burst into laughter, finding my swift rejection amusing. Adrien shrugged and conceded, "Alright, fine. Bring your own eye candy then. I'll just let Damien know he's my plus one." The playful banter lightened the mood, and I felt a renewed determination to make a statement at the dinner, showcasing my strength and independence.

There was only one manchild in this house and it wasn't my sperm donor. Damien had a lot of growing up to do. And spoke of the devil too soon I had.

My heart raced as Damien burst into my room, his presence overwhelming. He shouted, "Younger? Bratty? Train him? Are you fucking kidding me?" I couldn't help but smile, even though he towered over me and possessed a face sculpted by the gods themselves. He may have shed his teenage charm, but he needed a reality check. So, I replied with a mischievous glint in my eyes, "Why, baby boy, does the truth sting?"

Damien growled mockingly, closing the distance between us. His face was dangerously close to mine, almost brushing against my lips. "No, Mommy," he sneered, causing a rush of flustered emotions to surge through me. Stepping back, I regained my composure, refusing to let him see my momentary weakness. His triumph was short-lived as I mustered the courage to speak again. "Be a good boy for me tonight, won't you?" I taunted, determined to keep the upper hand.

He turned abruptly, seemingly satisfied with his perceived victory. But I couldn't let him think he had won. Calling out to him, I added a dash of playfulness to my voice, "And if I find you being naughty?" Damien paused, his back facing me. He slowly turned around, his composed façade cracking slightly, a rosy hue dusting his cheeks. His voice dropped to a low, enticing whisper, "And what will be my punishment?"

I held his gaze, a spark of anticipation dancing between us. The air thickened with unspoken desires and unresolved tension. With a confident smirk, I responded, "Well, then you'll have to find out, won't you?" It was a daring invitation, a challenge that lay before him.

Damien's eyes flickered, a mixture of curiosity and intrigue in their depths. He straightened himself, his composed demeanor returning. Without saying another word, he walked away, leaving me in a whirlwind of excitement and uncertainty.

As I readied myself for the evening's dinner, I couldn't shake the electrifying energy that lingered in the air. The dynamic between Damien and me was a delicate dance, filled with unspoken yearning and undeniable chemistry. Little did I know that this dinner would mark a turning point, propelling us into uncharted territory where our desires would intertwine in ways we never anticipated.

(Sorry for all the kink, sometimes I'm writing and the charecters guide me and this is where I ended up with this ;-; but then again this is Wattpad so )

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