Chapter 11

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Harvey's Perspective

As the school day came to a close, I found myself waiting outside with Ethan, anticipating Killan's arrival to take us home. Our own car was still in the repair shop, leaving us dependent on Killan's vehicle. When his familiar loud car pulled up, a mix of excitement and apprehension surged through me. Ethan quickly made his way upstairs to change, leaving me alone with Killan.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "Hey, where's Liam? Is he coming with us?" Killan shrugged, his nonchalant demeanor making me wonder if something was off. Ignoring my suspicion, I decided to focus on more immediate matters.

Stepping behind the kitchen counter, I reached up to grab a plate from the cabinet, only to realize I was too short to reach it. Frustration bubbled inside me, but before I could react, Killan appeared beside me, his presence unexpected. It was then that I noticed three prominent hickeys adorning the side of his neck. Jealousy coursed through me, and I snatched the plate away, intentionally avoiding his smile.

Killan, sensing my anger, furrowed his brows and asked, "What's wrong?" I pointedly gestured toward the visible marks, my gaze piercing into him. The sudden realization swept across his face, but he remained silent, leaving my questions unanswered.

Taking a deep breath, I addressed the situation calmly, masking the turmoil within. "So, let me get this straight. I'm not supposed to kiss other guys or girls, but you can do whatever you want and expect me to be okay with it?" My voice remained composed, despite the storm of emotions raging inside me.

Killan opened his mouth to respond, but our conversation was interrupted as Liam walked in, catching the tail end of our discussion. His mischievous grin spread across his face, as he teasingly remarked, "Who can't kiss whom now? Is that from the girl you brought over last night? What was her name again, Kelly?"

My fury ignited, and I abruptly rose from my seat. Turning my attention back to Killan, I confronted him directly. "Look, I know I was the one who said we weren't exclusive or anything, because I'm not ready for that emotionally. But it also meant that I didn't go around hooking up with other people right after I said it. I get that you might want a relationship right now, but don't act possessive and then go off and be with someone else."

Anger burning in my chest, I decided to leave, asking Liam to drive me home. Killan's face fell, but I remained resolute, unwilling to back down. He chased after me, attempting to pull me close and explain himself, but Liam intervened, urging him to respect my space. Eventually, Killan conceded, and I got into the car with Liam.

During the drive back, Liam broke the silence. "Hey, Harvey, I know things didn't go as expected, but how about we go clubbing tonight? We could use some fun and forget about all this drama." His suggestion brought a glimmer of excitement to my tired eyes, and I nodded in agreement. In that moment, I decided to invite Adrien along too, hoping he would find solace in our temporary escape.

As I arrived home, I leaned over to give Liam a kiss on the cheek, expressing my gratitude for his support. Stepping out of the car, I made my way into the house, already contemplating how to find Adrien. I approached one of the maids and inquired about his whereabouts, and she informed me that he was in our father's


Determined, I pushed open the office door to find Ronan, Knight, Adrien, and Luca engrossed in a deep discussion. Spotting Adrien, I intended to invite him, but before I could utter a word, my other brothers chimed in, voicing their concerns about my age and the potential dangers of clubbing. Their words hit a nerve, and I shot them a defiant glare, unwilling to let them dampen my spirits.

However, they quickly added a condition to their protest. "If you're so eager to go, Harvey, you'll have to take all four of us with you," Knight declared, a mischievous smirk tugging at his lips.

I groaned inwardly, realizing I would have no choice but to bring them along. With exhaustion weighing me down, I relented and replied, "Fine, but if you're coming, bring a friend too. We might as well make it a full-fledged group outing."

My brothers exchanged triumphant looks, their victory evident. As tiredness washed over me, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, this clubbing excursion could be a much-needed distraction for all of us.

(I'll upload the second part in a while, Killan was being such a lil bitch tbh)

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