Chapter 19

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I sat on my bed, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me. Killan's departure for Russia had left a void in my heart, and the ache of his absence was difficult to bear. I held onto the note he had left for me, reading his words over and over again, finding solace in his love and support.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts, and with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, I granted entry to the visitor. My anger flared instantly as I saw Olivia standing before me, her eyes bloodshot from hours of crying. Despite her tear-streaked face, I couldn't let my guard down. This was the same person who had been responsible for so much of my pain and suffering.

"What do you want?" My voice carried an edge of hostility as I locked eyes with Olivia. I had been waiting for this moment, the apology that was long overdue, but now that it was happening, it felt like an insurmountable task to forgive her.

Olivia stood at the foot of my bed, visibly shaken by my cold reception. She began to pour out her apology, her words intermingled with tears and remorse. I listened silently, my anger simmering beneath the surface. Sympathy tugged at my heart, but the wounds she had inflicted ran deep, and forgiveness couldn't be granted so easily.

When she finished, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the words that needed to be said. "Olivia, I understand that you feel guilty and remorseful, but forgiveness isn't something I can give right now," I spoke firmly, my voice tinged with pain and determination. "I need time to heal, to process everything that has happened. Please respect my boundaries and allow me the space I need to find my own healing."

Olivia's sobs grew louder, her remorse pouring out in torrents. It pained me to see her like this, but I knew that my own well-being had to come first. I couldn't let her emotions sway my decision.

As Olivia left the room, my heart weighed heavy with conflicting emotions. The wounds of the past were still fresh, and forgiveness was a journey I needed to embark on at my own pace. I leaned back against my pillows, contemplating the path ahead, knowing that healing would require time and self-care.

I got up to shower, washing my hair and feeling cleaner than I had in weeks. When I stepped out, I saw all my brothers tossing pillows into the room and Luca setting up a projector in the corner.

I grinned as I gazed at my brothers, all gathered around me in our cozy fort. Their familiar faces and playful spirits lifted my mood, filling the room with laughter and warmth. Adrien pulled me closer and whispered, "How are you holding up, Harvey?"

I leaned against him and replied, "I'm doing better now, thanks to all of you. It feels good to be surrounded by family again."

Devin chimed in, his mischievous grin widening. "We missed you, Harv. The house wasn't the same without you."

I chuckled, feeling a mix of nostalgia and comfort. "I missed you all too. It's good to be back."

As we settled down to watch a movie, the room filled with the sound of our banter and commentary. Liam, ever the joker, made a witty remark that sent us all into fits of laughter. Knight, always the curious one, leaned over and asked, "So, Harvey, spill the beans. How's Killan?"

Blushing, I playfully nudged Knight and replied, "He's doing great. We're getting closer every day."

Adrien and Devin exchanged knowing glances and couldn't contain their laughter. Adrien teased, "Our little sister is all grown up. Who would've thought?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide my own smile.

In the midst of our lighthearted conversation, a question burned in my mind. I turned to my brothers and asked, "By the way, why were you all so surprised by what I wore on my first day of school?"

Their expressions shifted, and Knight scratched his head nervously. "Well, we were just used to Olivia's fashion choices, so we expected you to be the same. But hey, we love how you dress. You've got your own unique style, Harv, and we appreciate it."

A sense of relief washed over me as their words sank in. Their acceptance and appreciation made me feel seen and valued for who I truly was. I smiled and hugged each of them tightly, grateful for the bond we shared.

In that moment, surrounded by the love of my brothers, I let go of any lingering doubts or insecurities. Their unwavering support gave me the confidence to be myself, unapologetically. As we continued to laugh and enjoy each other's company, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I had my brothers by my side, and that was enough to face anything that came our way.

It was hours later when my stomach grumbled, a little after midnight that I made my way down to the kitchen. I was trying to be as quiet as possible but I couldn't let out the involuntarily scream that left me when I saw something.

My parents. Doing more than making out. On the fridge.

My scream pushed them apart as my mother moved to fix her dress and I rolled my eyes, pouring a plate of leftover pasta for myself.

I continued eating my pasta, the taste somewhat diminished by the awkward encounter with my parents. Their sudden display of affection had caught me off guard, but it didn't change how I felt about them or the painful memories that still lingered. They stood there, staring at me, waiting for a response. I let out a sigh and reluctantly set my fork down.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, my voice tinged with skepticism.

They exchanged glances, and my mother took a hesitant step forward. "Harvey, we want to apologize for everything you went through, for not protecting you."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, the bitterness rising within me. "Save the apologies. It's in the past now. What's done is done," I replied, my dismissive tone underscoring my lack of interest.

My father cleared his throat, his voice carrying a heavy burden of guilt. "The doctor showed us reports of abuse during your time at the hospital. We didn't know... we had no idea..."

I shrugged, a mixture of indifference and resentment welling up inside me. "Yeah, well, what can you do now? It's not like it's going to change anything," I said, the bitterness seeping into my words.

They tried to push further, urging me to open up, but I remained resolute. "I'm not ready to talk about it with you. Not now, maybe not ever. So, let's just drop it, okay?" I stated firmly, my voice leaving no room for argument.

As they leaned in to kiss my forehead, bidding me goodnight, I watched them leave the kitchen with a surge of mixed emotions. The wounds were still raw, the pain too fresh to be easily forgiven or forgotten. I finished my meal in silence, contemplating whether forgiveness was something I could truly offer, or if some scars were destined to remain forever etched upon my heart.

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