Chapter 18 (Pt-2)

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I held Harvey in my arms, her fragile form nestled against me in the hospital bed. Anxiety gnawed at my insides, my heart pounding with worry as her condition remained precarious. She was awake now, but her health hadn't improved as much as we had hoped. I watched the doctor speaking to her parents, their faces etched with concern, and I prayed silently for good news.

My gaze shifted to the group of people gathered in the room. Liam, Ethan, and Damien were there, along with her other brothers. Damien's presence unnerved me, his mere existence creating a cloud of tension in the room. I couldn't help but keep a wary eye on him, my protective instincts kicking into overdrive.

Just as I was about to brush aside my worries and focus on Harvey, her voice called out my name. I looked down at her, a mix of relief and concern flooding my being. I cupped her cheek gently, my touch as tender as my heart felt in that moment. "I'm here, Harvey," I murmured, my voice laced with both love and worry.

Her parched lips parted, and she requested water. Without a second thought, I reached for the glass on the bedside table and carefully guided it to her lips, allowing her to take small sips. As she drank, I couldn't help but notice the furrow on her brow, a sign of something bothering her.

With a soft chuckle, I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. "What's wrong, love?" I asked, my concern deepening. But instead of a smile or a playful remark, she frowned and scowled, her gaze focused on me intently.

Before I could respond, a throat cleared behind me, and I turned to find Damien standing there. His presence felt like an intrusion, a disruption to the fragile peace that surrounded Harvey. I straightened my posture, my protective instincts surging to the forefront once again.

Damien's gaze flickered between Harvey and me, his expression unreadable. I braced myself for whatever he had to say, ready to defend and protect the woman I loved with every fiber of my being.

I felt a surge of anger course through me as Damien leaned closer to Harvey, a smile playing on his lips. Every instinct in me screamed to push him away, to keep him at a distance from the woman I loved. But Harvey was hurting, physically and emotionally, and I didn't want to cause her any more distress. So, I clenched my fists tightly, my nails digging into my palms as I watched the interaction unfold.

Damien's soft question reached my ears, and I gritted my teeth, my jaw tightening with frustration. Harvey's tentative smile in response only heightened my inner turmoil. The way they looked at each other, a strange connection that I couldn't quite comprehend, sent a pang of jealousy shooting through me.

Then, Damien whispered words that twisted the knife of jealousy deeper into my gut. "You look beautiful," he murmured, his voice laced with a mix of admiration and charm. My anger surged, threatening to boil over, but I held it in check. I couldn't allow my emotions to escalate in front of Harvey.

The room fell silent as Harvey and Damien turned their attention to me, their gazes locked on mine. I wrapped a protective arm around Harvey, drawing her closer to me as I couldn't bear the thought of losing her. My voice dripped with possessiveness as I addressed Damien. "Stop hitting on my girlfriend," I growled, my tone laced with a warning.

Damien faltered for a moment, his confident demeanor wavering at my words. The word "girlfriend" seemed to catch him off guard, as if he hadn't anticipated it. Harvey, too, looked at me with surprise, a small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. She spoke, her voice teasing, "Yeah, Kills, girlfriend?"

Before, I could answer, someone coughed behind us. As Harvey's father approached with anger in his eyes, I instinctively moved away from Harvey, my heart pounding in my chest. The weight of his gaze bore down on me as he questioned our actions. Damien and I mumbled in unison, "Nothing, sir," our voices filled with trepidation.

Harvey's father turned his attention to her, his tone softening as he addressed her. "Harvey, sweetheart, there is a test that the doctor wants to do, and we need your permission for it." I watched as fear flickered in her eyes, her body tensing with panic.

"It's a ra-" her father began, but before he could finish his sentence, Harvey let out a piercing scream. She frantically attempted to remove the IV attached to her, her desperation evident. Without hesitation, I reached out and firmly grasped her shoulders, gently restraining her. I pulled her onto my lap, holding her securely as her sobs wracked through her body.

"Shh, Harvey, it's okay. I've got you," I whispered, my voice soothing as I rocked her gently. I pressed my cheek against her hair, offering her comfort and reassurance in the midst of her distress. The room seemed to fade away as I focused solely on her, my only priority to provide solace and support.

Harvey's father stood frozen, his anger replaced by concern as he watched us. He understood that in that moment, Harvey needed someone she trusted, someone who could anchor her in the storm of emotions that consumed her.

Together, we stayed like that, Harvey curled against me, seeking solace in my embrace. I whispered words of reassurance, soothing her with my presence, silently promising that I would always be there to protect her.

"She doesn't want to take the test, Sir," I asserted firmly, my voice laced with conviction. I knew that Harvey's well-being came first, and if she didn't feel ready or comfortable, I would stand by her decision.

Her father shook his head, his expression a mix of frustration and concern. He left the room, taking most of her brothers with him. Only Devin, Luca, Adrien, and Damien remained, their presence creating a tense atmosphere.

As Harvey's father left the room, his disappointment palpable, I continued to hold Harvey close, my grip tightening ever so slightly. I pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head, my lips lingering against her soft hair. I glanced up, meeting her father's gaze with unwavering determination.

I couldn't help but notice Damien's uneasiness as he caught my gaze. His jealousy was evident, and while a part of me found amusement in his discomfort, my primary focus was on Harvey's well-being. I knew I had to remain steady and supportive for her, providing the strength she needed in this trying time.

I turned my attention back to Harvey, my thumb gently caressing her cheek as I whispered, "They're gone, Harvs. It's just us now. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Devin, Luca, and Adrien surrounded us, their concern etched on their faces. Together, we formed a protective shield around Harvey, a united front ready to defend her from any further harm.

I could feel the weight of their presence, their unwavering loyalty and support bolstering me. In this moment, we were a family, bound by love and determination to ensure Harvey's safety and recovery.

As Damien shifted uncomfortably, I ignored his presence, my focus solely on Harvey. Her vulnerability was both heartbreaking and inspiring. I vowed to be her strength, her refuge in the storm, for as long as she needed me.

The room fell into a solemn silence, the air thick with unspoken emotions. But amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerged. We were a resilient group, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in our love for Harvey and our unwavering commitment to her well-being.

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