Tale 27: Annabeth's Try For Capture The Flag

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ANNABETH HELD A FOLDER in her hand as she was talking with Ember. "Plus trade our afternoon archery slot with your morning slot." Annabeth finished.

Ember had a book in her hands as she was scanning the words she was listening. Once Annabeth stopped she replied, "not gonna cut it."

"Oh come on Ember! We need you guys for capture the flag. And what else does the Hermes cabin want?"

"If you're so smart figure it out, owl face. Hah! Gottem." Ember replied, a sly smirk appeared on her face.

Annabeth sighed. "Look I told you we can't do your Ancient Greek homework it's unethical!"

"Ethnics? Don't you guys do essays for fun?" Ember put her head up as she asked confused.

"It's just a few extra." She added on.

"Ha. We don't write essays for fun.. their research papers.."

Ember shut her book. "Anna. The ares cabin already has Apollo, Hephaestus AND Demeter on their team."

Annabeth sighed and put her head back against the pillar in frustration. "Fine.. 5 essays."

"We can work with that." Ember said, her book back open. "Oh and your marshmallows for the next three campfires." Ember said.

Annabeth looked shocked. "What?" She yelled. Ember only shrugged at her.

"Slingshot Derricks request, they like to stack them in their s'mores. It's really good." Ember informed the daughter of Athena. Annabeth found this unreasonable.

"Can't you guys just.. steal extra marshmallows?" Annabeth asked hopefully.

"That's a gross assumption!" Ember yelled and Annabeth felt as if she had did something wrong. Ember flipped a page. "True but.. gross. Deal?"

Annabeth had no more options so she sighed. "Fine! Deal."

Ember took her hand and spat on it and put her hand out for annabeth to shake. Annabetn held her pencil and was frozen in place at this.

"And somehow I'm the gross one?" She asked.

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