Tale 11:Sleepovers

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Lacy bounced on her heels as she skipped into the infirmary. Will, whom she'd been looking for, was predictably among his older siblings currently working an infirmary shift. It seemed he was always in this stuffy room watching one of the older Apollo kids heal or getting lessons from his siblings on how to do it himself.

The infirmary was predictably empty, given that it wasn't summer session there were far less injuries happening at camp. Chiron insisted the infirmary be staffed by at least one person at all times though in case of emergency, and the Apollo kids were like the only healers in camp.

Right now, there were two others besides Will in the room. She knew them well enough, Michael and Lee, two of the older Apollo campers. Michael was bouncing some kind of ball idly off the wall in boredom. But Lee was sitting next to Will on a cot, "you made a mistake there," the older boy told Will as he pointed at something in the workbook the two of them were looking at, "remember you need to add a zero when you move to the next column in multiplication."

Will had a frustrated look on his face as he erased part of his work. It seemed his brother was trying to teach him some math, Lacy shuddered, the horror. Silena tried to make them do school lessons too, but her and Drew always managed to find ways to wiggle out of them. It was one of the only times her and her sister were not fighting with one another.

Thankfully for Will, she was here to rescue him from the horrors of school, "Will!" She called, Drawing the attention of all three Apollo boys.

She bounded over, jumping slightly in place as she stared at Will with excited eyes, "I need your help with something! Come on!"

Her friend looked ready to get up and follow her, but Lee tsked, snatching Will's arm before he could dart off, "hold on now. You have to finish your math for the day," he scolded his younger brother.

"Lee!" Will whined with a pout on his face, "math is boring I don't wanna! And Lacy clearly needs my help with something," he added at the end. Lacy nodded enthusiastically in order to back up the claim.

"I don't care if you don't like it Will, you will be getting an education," Lee huffed, "you can go play with Lacy after you finish your work."

"Aww come on Lee, it's not that big of a deal," Michael laughed, "no one here actually cares about school."

" I care!" Lee protested immediately, "some of the other cabins might be content to let y'all run around during the school year. But not in cabin seven, nope. All my baby siblings- which includes you might I add Michael - will be getting at least a high school education, thank you very much!"

Michael held up his hands in surrender with a shit-eating grin on his face. Will huffed, "I only have like two problems left can't we call it for the day. Pleaseeeee," Will dragged out the last word, staring up at his brother with a pout and wide doe-eyes.

Lee visibly faltered, his face falling at his little brother's plea. After a few moments he sighed, "oh, ok. Fine. But just this once Will."

Lacy gaped, Lee was one of the most responsible head counselors. She had to get Will to teach her that puppy-dog eye thing he did if it was really that effective.

The boy in question beamed, throwing his arms around his brother, "Thanks Lee! That's why you're my favorite sibling!" He exclaimed before hopping off the cot and hurrying over to Lacy's side.

"Hey!" Michael complained, a hand held over his heart in false hurt, "really William, after all we've been through you betray me like this?"

Will stuck his tongue out at his other brother, "Sorry Michael, Lee's just the best!"

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